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Is paid leave a salary benefit

Time: 2024.02.25 label: Labor disputes Wages and benefits Reading: 1155 people
Lawyer's analysis:
Paid leave is Wages and benefits It is also a system stipulated by law.
Legal basis:
Article 45 of the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China
The State implements a paid annual leave system. Labourers who have worked continuously for more than one year are entitled to paid annual leave. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.
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It depends on the specific situation. The housing provident fund is paid according to a certain proportion based on the average salary of employees in the previous year, and the minimum payment proportion is 5%. The specific payment regulations of each company are inconsistent, so it is impossible to directly calculate and issue the salary

It depends on the specific situation. When the social security has been paid for 15 years and the legal retirement age has been reached, the basic pension can be received monthly. Basic pension consists of pooling pension and individual account pension. The basic pension is based on the individual's cumulative contribution years, contribution salary, local position

At least one year of work before annual leave. If an employee has worked accumulatively for more than one year but less than 10 years, he/she shall have 5 days of statutory paid annual leave. There are 10 days of annual leave after 10 to 20 years of work, but it should be noted that the national statutory holidays and weekends are not included in the annual leave

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 Lawyer Ji Wenmei

Guangdong Chenggong Law Firm

Lawyer Ji Wenmei, graduated from Xiamen University, majoring in civil and commercial law. He served as the equity partner and director of the Labor Professional Committee of Guangdong Chenggong Law Firm. Over ten years, it has undertaken more than 200 labor disputes. As the professional backbone of the team, he has profound legal foundation and defense experience in the field of criminal defense. The cases he undertook involve the crime of fraud, the crime of helping network information criminal activities, the crime of concealing crimes, the crime of dangerous driving, the crime of contract fraud, the crime of duty embezzlement and other crimes.

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