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What to do if the compensation for house demolition is too low

Time: 2024.06.06 label: Land acquisition and demolition Rights protection skills Reading: 1130 people
Lawyer's analysis:
The party concerned can apply to let the house Demolition The management department will make a decision.
The demolisher and the demolished removed person or the demolisher and the demolished removed person cannot reach the agreement with the house lessee Relocation compensation In case of a settlement agreement, upon the application of the parties concerned, the administrative department of housing demolition shall make a ruling. If the administrative department of housing demolition and removal is the relocated person, the people's government at the same level shall make a ruling. The ruling shall be made within 30 days from the date of receiving the application. If the party concerned is not satisfied with the award, he may bring a suit in the people's court within three months from the date of service of the award.
Legal basis:
Working Procedures for Administrative Adjudication of Urban Housing Demolition
Article 20 When applying for administrative compulsory demolition and removal, the administrative department of house demolition and removal shall submit the following materials: (1) an application for administrative compulsory demolition and removal; (2) Adjudication mediation record and award; (3) The reason why the demolished removed person disagrees with the demolition;
(4) Notarial certificate of evidence preservation of the demolished house; (5) The ownership certificate or compensation fund certificate of housing for resettlement and turnover provided by the demolished removed person;
(6) If the demolished removed person refuses to accept the compensation funds, it shall submit the withdrawal certificate of the compensation funds; (7) Other materials specified by the administrative department of housing demolition under the people's government of the city or county.
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In the announcement stage of the land requisition compensation and resettlement plan, if the expropriated person or other obligees have different opinions on the plan, they can express their opinions and request a hearing. If it is really necessary to modify the land requisition compensation and resettlement plan, it shall be in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and approved

 Lawyer Xu Xiaoqian
Lawyer Xu Xiaoqian
fifteen billion five hundred and ten million six hundred and forty-nine thousand eight hundred and sixty-one
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The party concerned may apply to the housing demolition management department for adjudication. If the demolisher and the demolished removed person, or the demolisher and the demolished removed person, or the demolished removed person and the house lessee fail to reach an agreement on compensation and resettlement for demolition, upon the application of the party concerned, the administrative department of housing demolition and removal shall make a ruling. House demolition management

 Lawyer Xu Xiaoqian
Lawyer Xu Xiaoqian
fifteen billion five hundred and ten million six hundred and forty-nine thousand eight hundred and sixty-one
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In case of forced demolition, they can call the police to demand that the legal responsibility of the vandals for intentionally damaging property be investigated, or they can directly file a lawsuit to the court to claim compensation for losses. No unit or individual may use violence, threat or violate regulations to interrupt water supply, heat supply, gas supply, power supply and road passage

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 Lawyer Xu Xiaoqian

Beijing Jingshi Law Firm

Lawyer Xu Xiaoqian Partner lawyer of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm Director of Legal Affairs Department of Primary Land Development and Circulation of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm Member of All China Lawyers Association Member of Beijing Bar Association Member of Beijing Bankruptcy Law Society Practicing period: 10 years Professional fields: litigation, arbitration legal services, administrative litigation, real estate construction engineering legal affairs, expropriation and demolition, etc

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