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Alarm process after receiving threatening calls

Time: June 22, 2024 label: criminal defense criminal action Reading: 1091 people
Lawyer's analysis:
The process is:
1、 Dial 110 or go directly to the local police station in the jurisdiction;
2、 State the basic facts and process of being intimidated to the public security organ, and provide the relevant information of the other party;
3、 The public security organ provided evidence The clues are reviewed and conform to Filing a case If the conditions are met, the case shall be filed.
Legal basis:
Article 42 of the Law on Administrative Penalties for Public Security
Whoever commits one of the following acts shall be detained for not more than five days or fined not more than 500 yuan;
If the circumstances are relatively serious, he shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than 10 days and may also be fined not more than 500 yuan:
(1) Writing threatening letters or threatening the personal safety of others by other means;
(2) Openly insulting others or fabricating facts to slander others;
(3) Fabricating facts to falsely accuse and frame another person in an attempt to subject another person to criminal investigation or public security administration punishment;
(4) Threatening, insulting, beating or retaliating against a witness or his close relatives;
(5) Repeatedly sending obscene, insulting, intimidating or other information to interfere with the normal life of others;
(6) Peeping, taking pictures, eavesdropping, or spreading other people's privacy.
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1、 The power of investigation, prosecution and adjudication shall be exercised by special organs according to law; 2、 Strictly comply with legal procedures; 3、 The people's courts and the people's procuratorates independently exercise their functions and powers according to law; 4、 Relying on the masses; 5、 Open trial; 6、 Criminal suspects and defendants have the right to be defended

 Lawyer Deng Puyun
Lawyer Deng Puyun
eighteen billion eighty-six million one hundred and fifteen thousand four hundred and two
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The limitation period of public prosecution is stipulated according to the severity of the statutory punishment for various crimes: 1. If the maximum statutory punishment is less than five years of fixed-term imprisonment, the limitation period of prosecution is five years; 2. If the statutory maximum punishment is fixed-term imprisonment of more than 5 years but less than 10 years, the limitation period for prosecution is

 Lawyer Deng Puyun
Lawyer Deng Puyun
eighteen billion eighty-six million one hundred and fifteen thousand four hundred and two
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According to the Criminal Procedure Law, for fraud cases, the procuratorial organ is responsible for reviewing and approving arrests and reviewing prosecutions. The time limit for examination and approval of arrest is seven days, and the time limit for examination and prosecution is one and a half months. You can return to the public security organ for supplementary investigation, which is limited to two days. Every

 Lawyer Deng Puyun
Lawyer Deng Puyun
eighteen billion eighty-six million one hundred and fifteen thousand four hundred and two
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 Lawyer Deng Puyun

Hubei Zun Er Guang Law Firm

Deng Puyun has been engaged in law practice for 11 years and has been the chief managing partner of Zun Erguang Law Firm for 6 years; Director of Enterprise Law Department of Zun Erguang Law Firm; Criminal Compliance Officer of Zun Erguang Law Firm; Chief of Zun Er Guang Feng Yuan's lawyer team; Chief lawyer of Enterprise Legal Department of Zun Erguang Law Firm; Director of Contract Law Society of Hubei Law Society; CCTV's statement today, Wuhan TV's special partner lawyer. Lawyer Deng has many years of science and engineering, legal education, and industry background. His main practice areas are litigation and non litigation legal services such as domestic difficult civil and commercial disputes, criminal defense and compliance related to enterprises, enterprise equity investment and financing, real estate and construction engineering. Lawyer Deng has provided litigation, perennial legal counsel and other non litigation legal services for Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd., China's well-known real estate enterprises, head game development companies, well-known hazardous waste treatment enterprises, and education and financial enterprises in China. Lawyer Deng recently acted as the agent of a scientific and technological enterprise in the case of equity dispute, a construction contract dispute of a construction engineering company, a patent infringement dispute of a heavy industry ironmaking device invention, a series of investment and financing disputes of a high-tech enterprise, a construction material leasing contract dispute Defending the criminal compliance non prosecution case of a well-known retail enterprise involving illegal operation has won the victory expected by customers. Some recent representative cases of lawyer Deng 1、 Perennial, special legal counsel and enterprise risk control system construction ? Providing legal services for the construction of tax risk control system, seal system and contract system for a state-owned construction engineering group enterprise headquarters; ? Providing perennial legal advisory services to ten Chinese training operation entities of a top culture and art company; ? Providing perennial legal advisory services for a private directional financing plan enterprise, mainly involving contract drafting and revision, business risk assessment and relevant compliance; ? Providing perennial legal advisory services for an IT and Internet high-tech start-up enterprise; Mainly involving the design of equity structure ? Provide special legal advisory services related to employee equity and equity incentive for an enterprise; ? Provide special legal advisory services for domestic reinvestment and employee management for an education and training enterprise. 2、 Difficult civil and commercial litigation cases ? Acting as an agent for a construction project enterprise in a construction contract case involving construction projects, breaking through the agreed jurisdiction limit of commercial arbitration, determining the unaudited project price through the investigation of the arbitration commission, and the third party assisted in the execution and recovery of more than 24.7 million yuan of project funds ?? Acting as an agent for a state-owned enterprise construction group in responding to the case of building materials dispute, the plaintiff rejected all claims by using the judgment of "three class consistency" and the purpose of the contract to damage the national interests, and finally recovered the enterprise's loss of more than 5 million yuan through out of court settlement; ? Acting as an agent of an educational enterprise in the case of lease contract dispute, which has gone through the first and second trials,?? We have successfully won for the enterprise to return the lease without breach of contract? The judgment of 500000 prepaid rent and deposit? ? Acting as an agent for a high-tech enterprise and a Chinese listed enterprise in the settlement of technical contract disputes,?? About the subject matter of annual technical licensing and sales sharing fee? 400? Ten thousand yuan. Actively adopt harmonious replacement? A proxy dispute resolution means to successfully reach a settlement between the customer and the other party in respect of the dispute over the sales and sharing of the technical licensing fee under the technical contract dispute,?? And act as the customer and the other party? The two parties have facilitated a practical and feasible consultation scheme for future cooperation of technology involved in the case; 3、 Criminal defense cases ? Defend an online retail enterprise involved in the crime of illegal operation, and win no prosecution through the enterprise criminal contract; ? Plead for a mcn enterprise involved in the crime of illegal operation, and win innocence; ? Defend the executives of high-tech enterprises involved in the crime of job embezzlement, and win probation ? Defend an enterprise involved in falsely issuing VAT special invoices and win a lighter punishment ? Acting as an agent for a criminal accused case involving OTC stock capital allocation, successfully made the public security organ understand the facts and legal relations of the case through detailed fact reasoning, legal analysis and case communication, and did not file a criminal case against our client; ? Provide a manufacturing enterprise with special legal advice on criminal risk of "bribery of non state staff" involved in the business process.

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