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Several years of software copyright

Time: 2024.03.01 label: intellectual property right Copyright Reading: 1027 people
Lawyer's analysis:
Software copyright It is generated from the date when the software development is completed.
The term of protection of software copyright of a natural person shall be the lifetime of the natural person and 50 years after his death, expiring on December 31 of the 50th year after his death;
The software is jointly developed and ends on December 31 of the 50th year after the death of the last natural person.
The term of protection of software copyright of legal persons or other organizations is 50 years, ending on December 31 of the 50th year after the first publication of the software. However, if the software is not published within 50 years from the date of completion of development, this Regulation will no longer protect it.
Legal basis:
Article 14 of the Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software
Copyright notice: This platform has exclusive copyright on the content mode of graphics and text, and can not be copied or reproduced in any form without permission.

Copyright does not need to be registered. Once a work is completed, whether published or not, the author enjoys the copyright. The registration of works shall be on a voluntary basis, and the copyright owner may decide whether to go through the formalities for copyright registration. However, in order to better safeguard the rights and interests and protect the creation, all works have been published

 Lawyer Zhang Xian
Lawyer Zhang Xian
thirteen billion five hundred and forty million one hundred and twenty-five thousand seven hundred and ninety-two
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1. Originality, that is, software should be a coding combination independently designed and compiled by developers. 2. Perception, protected software must be fixed on a tangible object, objectively expressed and known by people. 3. Reproducibility, that is, the software is reproduced in tangible form

 Lawyer Zhang Xian
Lawyer Zhang Xian
thirteen billion five hundred and forty million one hundred and twenty-five thousand seven hundred and ninety-two
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(1) Warning. It refers to the warning and condemnation put forward by the administrative organ to the violator, which is mainly applicable to the minor violations. (2) Order to stop making and distributing infringing copies. The function of this form of punishment is to prevent the infringer from continuing to produce and distribute

 Lawyer Zhang Xian
Lawyer Zhang Xian
thirteen billion five hundred and forty million one hundred and twenty-five thousand seven hundred and ninety-two
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 Lawyer Zhang Xian

Sichuan Zhongluo Hongbo Law Firm

In the process of practicing, Lawyer Zhang Xian combined his rich theoretical knowledge with a lot of practice and handled a large number of dispute cases such as traffic accidents, work-related injuries, marriage and family, economic contracts, etc. His conscientious work attitude and kind and patient communication methods have been praised by the parties. After certain achievements, lawyers still maintain a serious attitude to study, He began to study the company's equity, construction engineering, intellectual property and other highly professional legal fields, and combined with his own cases to accumulate his own unique insights and experience

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