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Detailed process of enterprise demolition

Time: June 13, 2024 label: Land acquisition and demolition Enterprise demolition Reading: 994 people
Lawyer's analysis:
enterprise Demolition It mainly involves the following processes:
1. The construction unit applies for the housing demolition permit;
2. The administrative department of housing demolition issues the demolition permit;
3. The administrative department of housing demolition issues a demolition notice;
4. Within the scope of demolition notified in writing by the demolisher housing ownership People;
5. The relocated person shall ask the housing demolition management department about the compensation method and amount, the area of housing for resettlement, the resettlement location and the relocation transition method.
Legal basis:
Article 14 of the Working Rules for Administrative Adjudication of Urban Housing Demolition

The administrative ruling shall be made within 30 days from the date of receiving the application. The administrative department of housing demolition shall issue an award when making a ruling.
The award shall include the following contents:
(1) Basic information of the applicant and the respondent;
(2) Main facts and reasons of the dispute;
(3) Basis and reasons of the award;
(4) The compensation method, compensation amount, resettlement housing area and resettlement location, relocation period, relocation transition method and transition period that need to be decided according to the administrative ruling application;
(5) Inform the parties of administrative reconsideration and administration litigation Rights, time limit for applying for reconsideration and time limit for bringing a lawsuit;
(6) The name, ruling date and official seal of the housing demolition management department;
The removal period specified in the administrative ruling shall not be less than 15 days.

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Whether it is legal or not should first confirm the nature of industrial land. Industrial land that meets the conditions for transfer of industrial land can be transferred. Both parties to the transaction shall apply for transfer and assignment. The transaction party shall also provide the transfer agreement, land use certificate, parcel of land

If the self owned property right enterprise chooses property right replacement for demolition, the calculation formula of the compensation amount is: the compensation amount is equal to the compensation for the difference between the resettlement house and the original house plus the cost of equipment relocation and installation plus the cost of temporary resettlement plus the compensation for the removal of employees plus the loss of production and business suspension (the business area is multiplied by

1. The construction unit applies for the housing demolition permit; 2. The administrative department of housing demolition issues the demolition permit; 3. The administrative department of housing demolition issues a demolition notice; 4. The demolisher shall notify the house owner within the scope of demolition in writing; 5. Demolition of houses by the relocated people

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 Lawyer Liu Shuang

Sichuan Guozhu Law Firm

Liu Shuang, a full-time lawyer, served as the legal adviser of a community in Wenjiang District in 2018 and was rated as an advanced individual by the Judicial Bureau; In 2021, he won the title of Chengdu Legal Aid Advanced Individual of Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Justice; From May 2020 to May 2022, he served as a specially invited mediator of a district people's court in Chengdu. During his practice, he presided over mediation and represented a large number of civil and commercial legal litigation cases and non litigation cases, including construction contract disputes, creditor's rights and debt disputes, equity disputes, corporate legal advisers, etc. Lawyer Liu provides special legal knowledge training for all units. Lawyer Liu Shuang always believes that cases can be difficult or easy, but there is no difference between big and small cases. For each case, we will do our best to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties with a sense of responsibility, professionalism and enthusiasm.

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