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Who bears the debts after the legal person dies

Time: 2024.05.07 label: Creditor's rights and debts Corporate debt Reading: 886 people
Lawyer's analysis:
Corporate death, corporate debt It should be repaid by the company.
Legal basis:
Article 3 of the Company Law
The company is an enterprise legal person with independent legal person property and legal person property rights. The Company shall be liable for its debts with all its assets. The shareholders of a limited liability company shall be liable to the company to the extent of their subscribed capital contributions;
The shareholders of a joint stock limited company shall be liable to the company to the extent of the shares they have subscribed for.
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1. When strengthening the company's debt management, carry out the horizontal management of the company's debt. The horizontal management of corporate debt means that the company can set up a full-time or part-time corporate debt management organization according to the development characteristics of the company, and designate a special person to handle some large corporate debt projects

 Lawyer Zhang Qiang
Lawyer Zhang Qiang
seventeen billion seven hundred and nineteen million four hundred and forty-six thousand six hundred and thirty-two
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The ability of an enterprise to repay its debts as they fall due refers to the ability of its assets to repay its debts. Whether an enterprise has the ability to pay cash and repay debts is the key to its healthy survival and development. The solvency of an enterprise is an important reflection of its financial situation and operating ability

 Lawyer Zhang Qiang
Lawyer Zhang Qiang
seventeen billion seven hundred and nineteen million four hundred and forty-six thousand six hundred and thirty-two
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1. There are errors in selecting customers in the business process, and errors in estimating customers' repayment ability; 2. Neglect of key legal issues in the performance of the contract, resulting in de facto passivity; 3. The creditor's rights are neglected in management, and no special person has been assigned to take charge for a long time. The collection is ineffective, and the debtor

 Lawyer Zhang Qiang
Lawyer Zhang Qiang
seventeen billion seven hundred and nineteen million four hundred and forty-six thousand six hundred and thirty-two
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 Lawyer Zhang Qiang

Anhui Baishi Law Firm

Lawyer Zhang Qiang: The current chief lawyer of Anhui Baishi Law Firm has very rich experience in legal services, can accurately grasp the needs of the parties, and the cases represented by him have achieved good legal effects, which have been well received by the parties. Be conscientious, diligent and responsible, and spare no effort to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of each party.

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