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Compensation Standard for Land Requisition 2024

Time: June 9, 2024 label: Land acquisition and demolition Compensation standard Reading: 822 people
Lawyer's analysis:
1. Compensation shall be made according to the original use of the land expropriated. The compensation fees for requisitioned cultivated land include land compensation fees, resettlement subsidies, and compensation fees for attachments and young crops on the ground.
2. In formulating regional comprehensive land price for land acquisition, factors such as original land use, land resource conditions, land output value, land location, land supply and demand, population and economic and social development level should be comprehensively considered.
Legal basis:
Article 48 of the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China
Fair and reasonable compensation shall be given for land expropriation to ensure that Land acquisition The original living standard of farmers will not be reduced and their long-term livelihood will be guaranteed.
When land is expropriated, land compensation fees, resettlement subsidies and compensation fees for rural villagers' houses, other attachments to the ground and young crops shall be paid in full and timely according to law, and social security fees for farmers whose land is expropriated shall be arranged.
The standards of land compensation fees and resettlement subsidies for requisitioned agricultural land shall be determined by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government through the formulation and publication of regional comprehensive land prices. In formulating regional comprehensive land prices, factors such as the original use of land, land resource conditions, land output value, land location, land supply and demand, population and economic and social development level should be comprehensively considered and adjusted or re announced at least every three years.
The compensation standards for land other than agricultural land, land attachments and young crops shall be formulated by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. The rural villagers' houses shall be rearranged in accordance with the principle of compensation before relocation and improved living conditions, respecting the wishes of rural villagers Homestead Building and provision Placement of the housing Or give fair and reasonable compensation in the form of monetary compensation, and compensate for relocation, temporary resettlement and other costs caused by expropriation, so as to protect the right of rural villagers to live and their legitimate housing property rights and interests.
The local people's government at or above the county level shall include the land requisitioned farmers into the corresponding social security system such as old-age pension. The social security expenses of land requisitioned farmers are mainly used for eligible land requisitioned farmers endowment insurance etc. social insurance Payment subsidies. Measures for the collection, management and use of social security fees for land requisitioned farmers shall be formulated by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.
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1. Compensation shall be made according to the original use of the land expropriated. The compensation fees for requisitioned cultivated land include land compensation fees, resettlement subsidies, and compensation fees for attachments and young crops on the ground. 2. The original use of land and land resources shall be taken into consideration when formulating regional comprehensive land price for land acquisition

(1) Housing demolition fees. (2) Compensation fees for structures and attachments: including earth dams, pools, plants, roads, retaining walls, etc., all of which have different standards, but all of which are dead according to the policy. It is OK to count without omission. (3) Equipment depreciation processing

For some houses built in rural areas, these houses are built in a formal way. Usually, there will be a property certificate recognized by the government, but some houses also follow a formal procedure, but there is still no property certificate, so the owner needs to go through the local government organ where the house is located

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 Lawyer Liu Shuang

Sichuan Guozhu Law Firm

Liu Shuang, a full-time lawyer, served as the legal adviser of a community in Wenjiang District in 2018 and was rated as an advanced individual by the Judicial Bureau; In 2021, he won the title of Chengdu Legal Aid Advanced Individual of Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Justice; From May 2020 to May 2022, he served as a specially invited mediator of a district people's court in Chengdu. During his practice, he presided over mediation and represented a large number of civil and commercial legal litigation cases and non litigation cases, including construction contract disputes, creditor's rights and debt disputes, equity disputes, corporate legal advisers, etc. Lawyer Liu provides special legal knowledge training for all units. Lawyer Liu Shuang always believes that cases can be difficult or easy, but there is no difference between big and small cases. For each case, we will do our best to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties with a sense of responsibility, professionalism and enthusiasm.

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