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How to punish the crime of abandoning infants

Time: July 2, 2024 label: criminal defense Criminal defense Reading: 902 people
Lawyer's analysis:
There is no "crime of abandoning infants" in the current legal system of China charge Yes, for those who abandon babies criminal law 》In“ Abandonment crime ”Clause shall be punished.
According to relevant regulations, those who commit this crime will face a minimum of five years and a maximum of more than five years fixed-term imprisonment criminal detention or control Criminal penalties.
In addition, when raise If the natural person who has obligations refuses to take care of the elderly, the young, the seriously ill or the person who lacks the ability to make a living, if the circumstances are particularly bad, it may also constitute the crime of abandonment.
Legal basis:
Article 261 of the Criminal Law
Whoever refuses to support an old, young, sick or other person who has no ability to live independently and has the duty to do so, if the circumstances are flagrant, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years, criminal detention or public surveillance.
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