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How to report online fraud

Time: July 1, 2024 label: Internet disputes Internet fraud disputes Reading: 1421 people
Lawyer's analysis:
First of all, we should try our best to properly keep all relevant documents relating to the contact with the fraudsters, such as email communications, bank remittance notices, transfer records, and mobile phone messages and other relevant chat records.
If possible, it is better to write the experience of being cheated in written form, so as to form more detailed and credible materials.
Next, you can carry all the above information to the local criminal police department of the public security organ, the public information network security supervision department or the nearest police station for a formal written report.
Legal basis:
Article 266 of the Criminal Law
Whoever swindles public or private property, if the amount is relatively large, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance and shall also, or shall only, be fined; If the amount is huge or if there are other serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years and shall also be fined; If the amount is especially huge or if there are other especially serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment and shall also be fined or sentenced to confiscation of property. Where this Law provides otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.
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Immediately report to the police: once being cheated is found, you should immediately call 110 and inform the police of the fraud, including key information such as the fraudster's Wechat, transfer records, chat records, etc. Keep evidence: keep all chat records, transfer records

Timely alarm: call 110 or report to the local public security organ immediately, explain the situation and provide as much evidence as possible, such as bank flow, communication records, network records, etc. Keep evidence: keep all evidence related to fraud, including fraud SMS, communication, etc

In case of online fraud, take prompt action. First, report the case to the local public security organ and provide all relevant evidence, such as chat records, transfer records, etc. At the same time, if shopping platforms are involved, complain to e-commerce and consumer rights organizations. In addition, network security protection

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  • How to effectively prevent online fraud in daily life

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  • How to report online fraud

     Legal Advisor

    Legal Advisor

    In the face of fraud, it is important to retain key evidence. Including mail, bank notice, transfer record, SMS and other communication traces. If conditions permit, a detailed and credible description can be provided by writing the fraud history. Bring all the information to the public security criminal police, network security supervision department or police station as soon as possible to report the case formally to assist in the investigation.

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