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Can the business license be inconsistent with the plaque

Time: June 30, 2024 label: Company operation Industrial and commercial tax Reading: 1314 people
Lawyer's analysis:
It is feasible in principle.
For enterprises, their seals, bank account numbers, signboards and letterhead must be consistent with their registered names in the industrial and commercial departments.
For enterprises engaged in commercial trade, catering services and other industries, although the signboard of its symbolic name can be simplified, it still needs to be filed with the registration authority.
Legal basis:
Article 8 of the Provisions on the Administration of Enterprise Name Registration
The name of an enterprise shall be in Chinese characters, and the name of an enterprise in a national autonomous area may also use the national characters commonly used in the national autonomous area.
If an enterprise uses a foreign name, its foreign name shall be consistent with its Chinese name and shall be reported to the registration authority for registration.
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The recognition standard of small and micro enterprises is that the total industrial assets will not exceed 30 million, and other enterprises will not exceed 10 million; The number of employees in industrial enterprises should not exceed 100, and that in other enterprises should not exceed 80; Tax standard, general year

To apply for a personal business license, you need to go to the industrial and commercial department to submit your ID card, the lease contract of the business site, and copies and photos of the property certificate; After the materials are submitted, they will be reviewed by the personnel of the industry and commerce department. As long as no objection is confirmed, the organization needs to be handled

Individual businesses need to pay individual income tax at 5%~35% of their business income. The tax proportion depends on the annual business income. General taxpayers should declare taxes to the local tax authorities within 15 days after the end of each month or quarter. Individual workers everywhere

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  • Can the business license be inconsistent with the plaque

     Legal Advisor

    Legal Advisor

    During the operation of the enterprise, all official signs must be consistent with the industrial and commercial registration name, including the official seal, bank account number, signboard and letterhead. Plaques in commercial trade and catering industry can be simplified moderately, but they must be filed with the registration authority in advance. Ensure naming compliance to maintain legal and business reputation.

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