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What labor rights and interests women enjoy

Time: June 29, 2024 label: Labor disputes Labor security Reading: 1438 people
Lawyer's analysis:
The labor rights and interests enjoyed by women are as follows:
First, the right to equal employment.
Except for a few types of work and positions unsuitable for women, no institution has the right to reject female job seekers or set higher employment standards on the grounds of gender.
Second, the right to freedom of choice.
Within the scope permitted by law, women have the right to freely choose the career direction they want to pursue according to their personal interests and talents.
Third, the right to reasonable remuneration.
Whether men or women, as long as they have paid hard work, they should enjoy the legitimate rights and interests to receive corresponding returns.
Next, take a break.
According to relevant statute It is required that women have the right to enjoy the statutory rest system after completing the specified daily working hours legal holidays So that the body and mind can be fully recuperated.
Moreover, the right to occupational safety and health protection.
In some special industries, women enjoy more comprehensive occupational safety protection measures than men.
In addition, the right to receive vocational and technical training.
In order to enhance their professional competitiveness and realize their self-worth, women have the right to obtain necessary vocational skills training.
Finally, enjoy social insurance And benefits.
stay retire In case of illness, injury, childbirth, unemployment and other situations, women have the right to enjoy social insurance benefits and receive various welfare protections provided by the state and employers.
If there is any dispute with the employer in the process of labor, women also have the right to apply for mediation, arbitration and even go to court according to law to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.
In addition, the law also gives women many other labor rights and interests to ensure that they can enjoy fair opportunities and treatment in the workplace.
Legal basis:
Article 155 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China
The written judgment shall clearly state the result of the judgment and the reasons for making the judgment. The content of the judgment includes:
(1) Cause of action, claims, facts and reasons of disputes;
(2) The facts and reasons recognized in the judgment, and the applicable laws and reasons;
(3) The result of judgment and the burden of litigation costs;
(4) The period of appeal and the court of appeal.
The written judgment shall be signed by the judges and the court clerk and sealed by the people's court.
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