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Can a woman who assaults a police officer marry

Time: June 22, 2024 label: marriage and family marry Reading: 1222 people
Lawyer's analysis:
The answer to the question of whether a woman who has committed the crime of assaulting a police officer is suitable for marriage depends mainly on her individual circumstances, including the sentence she has been sentenced to and whether she has successfully completed it punishment Implementation and whether they have complete civil capacity. In modern society, freedom of marriage, as the basic rights and interests of every citizen, is not explicitly prohibited by any law from establishing marriage relations with persons with criminal record. However, when making marriage decisions, we should be based on both parties' in-depth mutual understanding and common will, and we also need to be tolerant and receptive to each other's past experiences.
Legal basis:
Article 1046 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China is freedom of marriage. Both men and women can marry only if they are completely willing.
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The marital ability of the mentally ill depends on their condition, treatment and whether they can meet the legal requirements for marriage. In most countries and regions, the mentally ill are legally entitled to marry, but this needs to meet some specific conditions, such as the

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