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Irregular leasing is handled like this in case of demolition

Time: April 25, 2024 label: Property disputes lease of houses Reading: 1327 people
Lawyer's analysis:
Whereas the leased house suffers Demolition As a customer (tenant), we can take the following measures to deal with the unfortunate event:
First of all, the house was expropriated and demolished by the government due to policy changes, which constitutes an objective irresistible factor, so the tenant has the right to terminate the contract signed with the lessor Lease Agreement , and ask for the rent during the lease term that has not ended; Secondly, the tenant can negotiate a solution with the owner of the house. If the owner is willing to implement the compensation in the form of property right replacement, the tenant can lose no time to sign a new agreement with him lease of houses New contracts; Later, the tenant can also apply to the agency responsible for the demolition project Relocation compensation cost.
Please let the general public know that when facing the problem of demolition, the tenant has the right to negotiate with the owner to cancel the lease and request the return of unused rent; If the existing lease agreement is decided to be renewed, then the owner of the house must adopt the method of property right exchange, and the house after the property right exchange in the future should still be borne by the original lessee.
Legal basis:
Article 562 of the Civil Code
[Termination of contract agreement] The parties can terminate the contract by consensus.
The parties may agree on the reasons why one party terminates the contract.
When the cause for terminating the contract occurs, the person with the right to terminate the contract may terminate the contract.
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If a tenant withdraws during the term of the lease contract, the way to deal with the deposit is generally as follows: check the contract terms: first, check the terms of the lease contract regarding the return of the deposit. Some contracts may stipulate that if the tenant withdraws the lease in advance within the contract period, the deposit will not be refunded

Three types of people who cannot apply for public rental housing include: 1. If the income of the applicant or his/her family exceeds the upper limit of income for public rental housing application stipulated by the local government, he/she cannot apply for public rental housing. 2. Applicants and their co applicants are in the region

If a tenant withdraws during the term of the lease contract, the way to deal with the deposit is generally as follows: check the contract terms: first, check the terms of the lease contract regarding the return of the deposit. Some contracts may stipulate that if the tenant withdraws the lease in advance within the contract period, the deposit will not be refunded

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