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Handling of deposit for mid rent withdrawal

Time: 2024.02.20 label: Property disputes lease of houses Reading: 1454 people
Lawyer's analysis:
If the tenant The contract of renting a house If the lease is withdrawn in the middle of the term, the deposit is generally handled as follows:
To view the contract terms: first view Lease contract The deposit refund clause in. Some contracts may stipulate that the deposit will not be refunded if the tenant withdraws the lease in advance within the contract period; Some contracts may also stipulate that part of the deposit can be returned when the landlord is notified a certain time in advance (such as one month).
Negotiate with the landlord: If there is no clear provision in the contract or the provision is not clear, the tenant can negotiate with the landlord to see whether part of the deposit can be returned.
Deduction of damage compensation: if the house or furniture is damaged during the lease period, the landlord may deduct the corresponding amount from the deposit damages Eh.
Cleaning costs: If the house is not cleaned when the rent is returned, the landlord may deduct cleaning costs.
Notice and handover: no matter whether the deposit can be returned or not, the tenant should notify the landlord in advance according to the provisions of the contract, and complete the handover of the house when the rent is returned to avoid unnecessary disputes.
Legal approach: If the tenant thinks the landlord unreasonably deducts the deposit, he can try to communicate with the landlord to solve the problem. If communication fails, you can safeguard your rights and interests through legal channels.
Finally, in order to protect the rights and interests of both parties, it is recommended to carefully read the contract terms before signing the rental contract, and seek legal advice
Legal basis:
Article 730 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China Where the parties have not agreed or clearly agreed on the lease term, and cannot be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 510 of this Law, it shall be deemed as a non term lease; The parties may terminate the contract at any time, but shall notify the other party before a reasonable time.
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If a tenant withdraws during the term of the lease contract, the way to deal with the deposit is generally as follows: check the contract terms: first, check the terms of the lease contract regarding the return of the deposit. Some contracts may stipulate that if the tenant withdraws the lease in advance within the contract period, the deposit will not be refunded

Three types of people who cannot apply for public rental housing include: 1. If the income of the applicant or his/her family exceeds the upper limit of income for public rental housing application stipulated by the local government, he/she cannot apply for public rental housing. 2. Applicants and their co applicants are in the region

If a tenant withdraws during the term of the lease contract, the way to deal with the deposit is generally as follows: check the contract terms: first, check the terms of the lease contract regarding the return of the deposit. Some contracts may stipulate that if the tenant withdraws the lease in advance within the contract period, the deposit will not be refunded

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