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Can you call home in prison

Time: 2024.02.27 label: criminal defense Criminal defense Reading: 868 people
Lawyer's analysis:
You can call your family in prison. Generally, when a prisoner first enters the prison, he or she will contact his or her family once, which is a periodic sign. Then he or she will be unlikely to contact his or her family for a relatively long period of time. This is to let the prisoner get used to life in the prison and avoid too much contact with the outside world, which is not conducive to the rehabilitation of the prisoner's mind. The above practice is not regulated by law, but a measure taken by most prisons to better adapt criminals and cooperate with the work of prisons. Relatives of criminals are generally interviewed once a month for half an hour to one hour each time. During the period of serving his sentence, a criminal may, according to regulations guardian When a prison discovers that the contents of a telephone conversation are impeding the reform of a prisoner, it shall stop them in time.
Legal basis:
According to Article 47 of the Prison Law of the People's Republic of China, a prisoner may communicate with others while serving his sentence, but the correspondence shall be checked by the prison. The prison may detain any letter found to hinder the reform of a prisoner. Letters written by prisoners to the prison's higher authorities and judicial organs are not subject to inspection.
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The characteristics of gun related crime cases are as follows: First, from the perspective of the subject of crime, the persons involved in the case tend to diversify. Second, the sources of guns are diversified, and it is difficult to obtain evidence or there is only isolated evidence in many gun trading channels. Many gun related cases can only be convicted of illegal possession of guns

The criminal elements of the crime of producing and selling fake and substandard products are as follows: 1. The subject is an individual and a unit, which is represented by two types of people: the producer and the seller of products; 2. The subjective aspect is intentional, generally with the purpose of illegal profit making; 3. The object of infringement is the state against ordinary

Shoplifting is not burglary. Burglary refers to entering the area relatively isolated from the outside world for personal or family life to steal, so entering the store to steal does not belong to burglary. Whoever steals in the house shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance

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Guizhou Xiangwei Law Firm is a comprehensive law firm, mainly engaged in: 1、 Medical dispute, professional medical dispute lawyer team, medical damage dispute, medical accident lawsuit, medical accident compensation mediation negotiation. Assist in handling responsibility, disability identification and medical accident level identification 2、 Criminal defense, criminal interview, bail pending trial, innocent defense, defense of minor crime, probation, retrial of second instance, commutation and parole. 3、 Marriage and family, creditor's rights and debts, inheritance, construction contract, project payment disputes, meet the different needs of the parties and provide high-quality legal services for the parties.

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