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Why didn't 12123 be displayed?

Time: 2024.02.21 label: traffic accident Traffic violation Reading: 1483 people
Lawyer's analysis:
The reason why 12123 failed to find the ticket for violation of suspension may be that the system has not recorded the information. Generally, after the ticket is posted for violation of the suspension, the information is entered into the traffic management system for review. If the review is qualified, it will be uploaded within 24 hours, that is, it will be found online in 12123, and will be published within 14 days at the latest. If the violation information has not been found on 12123 for 14 days, it means that the information review is unqualified and there is no violation.
Legal basis:
Article 89 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, if a pedestrian, passenger or non motor vehicle driver violates the provisions of road traffic safety laws and regulations on road passage, he or she shall be given a warning or fined not less than five yuan but not more than fifty yuan. If the non motor vehicle driver refuses to accept the fine, his or her non motor vehicle may be detained. Article 93 For those who violate the provisions of road traffic safety laws and regulations on motor vehicle parking and temporary parking, they can point out the illegal acts, give oral warnings and order them to leave immediately. If the driver of a motor vehicle is not at the scene or refuses to leave immediately even though he is at the scene, thereby impeding the passage of other vehicles and pedestrians, he shall be fined not less than 20 yuan but not more than 200 yuan, and may drag the motor vehicle to a place that does not impede traffic or to a place designated by the traffic control department of the public security organ for parking. The traffic control department of the public security organ shall not charge the party for the trailer, and shall inform the party of the parking place in a timely manner. If a motor vehicle is damaged due to improper towing, it shall be liable for compensation according to law.
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Yes. 1. I go to the local traffic management department to accept the punishment. Due to the different punishment methods in different places, please take your driver's license and driver's license or a copy. 2. If there are local friends who violate the rules, you can directly send the violation notice through a friend in another place

At present, when dealing with vehicle violations, the vehicle owner needs to bring his driver's license and driving book to any traffic police team or administrative comprehensive processing hall in the place where the vehicle is in violation of regulations or where the vehicle is registered for processing. If there is no point deduction or less than 6 points deduction for violation of regulations, violation can be handled online

If the driver fails to overtake, yield, or drive in the opposite direction as required, 3 points shall be scored at a time. A warning or a fine of not less than 20 yuan but not more than 200 yuan shall be imposed. Driving a motor vehicle to reverse, reverse, cross the median and turn around on the expressway will be scored 12 points at a time. At

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