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Lawyer fees for marriage disputes?

Time: 2024.02.20 label: criminal defense Criminal defense Reading: 1139 people
Lawyer's analysis:
(1) Not involving property relationship: 800~10000 yuan/piece;
(2) If the property relationship is involved, the basic service fee for each piece is 1000~2000 yuan. If the amount of the object of the property in dispute exceeds 10000 yuan, it shall be calculated by stages and in progression according to the following proportion. The charging rate of the amount of the subject matter in dispute: 5%~6% of the part of RMB 10001-100000; 4%~5% of the part of RMB 100001~1000000; 3% - 4% of the part of RMB 1000000 - 5000000; 2%~3% of the part of RMB 5000001-10000000; 1% - 2% of the part of 10000001 - 50000000 yuan; 0.5%~1% for the part above 50000001 yuan.
(1) If there is no property relationship involved in the stage of review and prosecution: 1500~12000 yuan/piece; Where property relationship is involved: according to agent Civil affairs involving property relations litigation 70% of the case fee standard shall be implemented, but the minimum fee shall not be less than 2000 yuan.
(2) Trial stage: not involving property relations:
(1) Defendant counsel : 2500~20000 yuan/piece;
(2) Acting as agent ad litem for private prosecutors and victims: 2000~15000 yuan/case; Where property relations are involved, the fees charged for acting as agents in civil litigation cases involving property relations shall apply.
Legal basis:
Article 4 of the Measures for the Administration of Fees for Lawyer Services, the fees for lawyer services shall be subject to the government guidance price and the market adjustment price.
Article 5 The following legal services provided by law firms shall be guided by the government:
(1) Acting as an agent in civil litigation cases;
(2) Acting as an agent in administrative litigation cases;
(3) Acting as an agent in national compensation cases;
(4) Providing legal advice to criminal suspects in criminal cases, representing them in appeals and charges, applying for bail pending trial, and acting as the defender of the defendant or the agent ad litem of the private prosecutor and the victim;
(5) Acting as an agent for appeals in various litigation cases.
The fees charged by law firms for other legal services shall be adjusted by the market.
Article 6 The benchmark price and the floating range of the government guidance price shall be formulated by the price departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in conjunction with the judicial administration departments at the same level.
Article 9 The fees for lawyer services subject to market regulation shall be determined by the law firm and the client through consultation.
The following main factors shall be taken into consideration when the law firm negotiates with the client on the fees for lawyer services:
(1) Working time consumed;
(2) The difficulty of legal affairs;
(3) The client's affordability;
(4) Possible risks and responsibilities of lawyers;
(5) The social reputation and working level of lawyers.
Article 10 The fees for lawyers' services may be charged on a piecemeal basis, in proportion to the amount of the subject matter, or by time, depending on the content of their services.
Piece rate is generally applicable to legal affairs that do not involve property relations;
The charging in proportion to the subject amount is applicable to legal affairs involving property relations;
Time charges apply to all legal matters.
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The criteria of the court for the punishment of the accomplished burglary: 1. The act of the perpetrator's burglary constitutes the accomplished burglary, and the court generally sentenced him to fixed-term imprisonment, detention or public surveillance of less than three years; 2. If the amount of burglary is huge or there are other serious circumstances, the sentence will be three years

The subject element of theft refers to the condition that the subject who can bear the criminal responsibility of theft needs to meet, that is, the person who has reached the age of 16. If a criminal offence is constituted, it should be based on the crime, the facts of the crime, the nature of the crime, the circumstances and the danger to society

If the perpetrator's criminal act constitutes the completion of the crime of intentional destruction of property, he shall bear criminal responsibility in accordance with the following provisions: 1. Generally, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance; 2. If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years

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