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Where to get the one-child allowance after retirement

To receive the fees for the only child, you must first wait until retirement and complete the retirement procedures before you can apply to the local community or village committee to fill in the form. " The certificate of "only child" has been lost. Go to the local Health and Family Planning Commission to check the bottom of the application form of "only child", which can be proved after being copied

How much personal income tax should be paid for the salary of 10000 yuan

The calculation of individual income tax is as follows: 1. Taxable income=wage income amount - various social insurance premiums - threshold (5000 yuan) 2. Income tax payable=10000 yuan - 5000 yuan=5000 yuan 3. Tax payable=(10000-5000) times 10% - 21

How much is the annual salary of 1 million yuan

It depends on the specific situation. 1. If the salary is fixed and the five insurances and one fund are not included, the monthly tax payable=(salary income minus "five insurances and one fund" deduction) multiplied by the applicable tax rate is equal to (1000000 divided by 12-5000) multiplied by 45% minus 13505 equals 217

How can the mobile online gambling police find out

The specific investigation methods are: 1. The public security organ can find out where the people who participate in mobile phone gambling are surfing the Internet through the IP address of the operator, and then determine which computer or mobile terminal the people who participate in mobile phone gambling are surfing the Internet, so as to detect. 2. For the purpose of profit, provide conditions for gambling

What to do if a person dies and the fixed deposit is not due

Fixed deposits can be withdrawn even if they are not due after death. 1. If the account of the deceased has not been cancelled, you can withdraw money from the bank with the ID card of the deceased and the ID card of the person taking the money on behalf. 2. If the account of the deceased person has been cancelled, when the deposit is due, withdrawal will be made on the due date, and no ID card is required.

What is the second reimbursement of medical insurance card

There is a secondary reimbursement for medical insurance, which can be reimbursed in the hospital or the local social security bureau. 1、 Materials required for the second reimbursement of the new rural cooperative medical system: when applying for the second reimbursement, the following materials need to be brought to go through the relevant procedures: 1. the compensation settlement form of the new rural cooperative medical system; 2. Resident ID card, patient's original household registration, participation certificate (

Consequences of family members not returning stolen goods

The return of stolen goods by a criminal's family member cannot be understood as a confession of guilt. Whether he is guilty or not depends mainly on his criminal facts and evidence. However, if the family members of the criminals voluntarily return the stolen goods, they may be given a lighter, mitigated or exempted punishment as appropriate. If they refuse to return the stolen goods, they shall be given a heavier sentence as appropriate. The family members can return the stolen goods on behalf of the suspect. Of course, if the family members do not

Conditions for the establishment of the Owner's Committee

Conditions for the establishment of the owner committee: 1. The occupancy rate reaches more than 50%; 2. The first batch of properties has been delivered for 2 years and the occupancy rate exceeds 30%; 3. The first batch of properties has been delivered for 3 years. The owners' committee shall be elected by the owners' assembly, and the members of the owners' committee shall be the owners.

Can the registered capital of business license be filled in freely

This is OK. Now the registered capital subscription system is implemented, but the amount of registered capital is the amount of creditor's rights and debts you will bear in the future., Registered capital should be understood as "shareholders promise to invest so much money in the company", rather than "actually invest so much money in the company".

When can women born in 1976 retire

The details of the retirement age of women born in 1976 are as follows: from January 1, 2025, the legal retirement age of female employees who were originally 55 years old will be postponed by one month every four months, and gradually postponed to 58 years old, if born in 1976, it will be postponed

Can I change my child's name before the college entrance examination

Children are not recommended to change their names before the college entrance examination. Because the college entrance examination needs to be connected with the high school student status through the ID card, changing the name will seriously affect the connection, thus affecting the college entrance examination registration and admission work. If it is not necessary to change the child's name, it is recommended not to change the child's name.

Is there any difference between support and support

Generally speaking, there is no difference between support and support. Maintenance means providing for life needs. Look forward to "support". Supporters shall fulfill their obligations of providing financial support, daily care and spiritual comfort to the elderly, and take care of the special needs of the elderly.

The fastest way to solve the rent arrears

If the lessee is in arrears with the rent and is able to pay it without proper reasons, but deliberately defaults on the rent, then the landlord can appeal to the law when necessary to protect his legitimate rights and interests, that is, the lessor can pursue the lessee's liability for breach of contract through legal means.

What certificates are needed for unmarried induction of labor

The general situation is to apply for a permit to induce labor with your own ID card. But it needs to be accompanied by family members and signed. The materials needed by hospitals are different because of different regions. You can consult a doctor in a local regular hospital.

Will you go to jail if your credit card is overdue

It just depends. If the credit card is overdue, it is generally a civil dispute and will not go to prison. However, if the party concerned has maliciously overdrawn the credit card, it may constitute a crime of credit card fraud and will go to prison. Malicious overdraft or illegal operation, and the amount of cash out is between 10000 yuan and 100000 yuan

Is driving school tuition refundable

It is OK to drop out of the driving school during the learning process, as long as the students pay attention to the contract details when choosing a driving school to sign a contract. As long as we follow the agreement signed with the driving school at that time, the actual standard of midway tuition will be determined according to the signed contract. How much examination fees, production costs and training fees will be paid from

How to punish the traffic police who catch the electric car without a license plate

A warning or a fine of not less than five yuan but not more than fifty yuan shall be imposed. If a passenger or a non motor vehicle driver violates the road traffic safety laws and regulations on road passage in violation of the road traffic safety laws and regulations, a warning or a fine of not less than five yuan but not more than fifty yuan shall be given, and the non motor vehicle driver refuses to accept the fine

New regulations on annual examination of driver's license for people over 70 years old

Article 72 of the Provisions on the Application and Use of Motor Vehicle Driving Licenses stipulates that motor vehicle drivers over 70 years of age shall have a physical examination once a year, and within 30 days after the end of the scoring cycle, they shall submit a certificate of physical condition issued by a medical institution at the county level or at or above the regiment level in the army.

How to write personal application

title; Appellation; Body and end. There are two ways to write the title, one is to write the application directly, the other is to add content before the application, and the title box indicates the unit, organization or relevant leaders that accept the application. The main body of the body is the main body of the application, which first puts forward the requirements and then explains the reasons. Write at the end

Charging standard for heating fee suspension

Generally, it is stipulated by the people's government at the prefecture or provincial level, and there is no unified standard nationwide. 20% of the heating metering fee shall be paid when the heating is stopped, which is called the compensation fee for heat loss. Failing to apply for the suspension of customers, indoor and outdoor heating facilities have problems of leakage and leakage, and pipes are frozen and cracked in severe cold weather, causing all losses to oneself and others