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The government department

 The government department
If they are not satisfied with the specific administrative act taken by the administrative organ or its staff, they may apply to the competent authority at the next higher level for administrative reconsideration. It is necessary to write an application for administrative reconsideration to start the administrative reconsideration procedure naturally, and China also has strict requirements on the organ of administrative reconsideration and the time limit of specific administrative reconsideration. Generally, if an application for administrative reconsideration is filed beyond the prescribed time limit, the case will not be accepted at this time. However, if the time limit for administrative litigation is not exceeded at this time, an administrative lawsuit can also be filed with the court.
2024-02-24 20:21:40 4148 people have been helped

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Which department does the property belong to
The property of the community is under the management of the property management office. Some cities are located in the city administration bureau, and some cities are located in the land resources and housing administration bureau. You can consult the local city administration bureau for details. The construction administrative department of the State Council is responsible for the supervision and administration of property management activities throughout the country. The real estate administrative departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of property management activities within their respective administrative areas. Legal basis:《 Property Management Regulations 》Article 5 The administrative department for construction under the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of property management activities throughout the country. The real estate administrative departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of property management activities within their respective administrative areas.
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