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Plea of innocence for corruption

 Plea of innocence for corruption
Criminal crime is a comprehensive reflection of various social contradictions and negative social factors, and the scope and intensity of this reflection is closely related to the depth and breadth of a country's social reform. If the law expressly stipulates that it is a criminal act, it shall be convicted and punished in accordance with the law; If the law does not expressly stipulate that it is a criminal act, it shall not be convicted or sentenced. There are many types of modern crimes. In the criminal law, different criminal situations and types are classified accordingly. The types of criminal crimes are very complex.
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Can corruption be used as an innocent defense
Whether to plead guilty or not depends evidence If there is no evidence of a crime, it is of course a plea of innocence; If there is evidence, but the evidence is not reliable and sufficient, it cannot form a complete evidence chain, and it cannot exclude reasonable doubt, it should be used as an innocent defense with insufficient evidence; If the evidence is reliable and sufficient, only minor defense can be made to win a favorable judgment for the parties. If a guilty case, lawyer Forcibly defending innocence will only be detrimental to the parties; If the case is obviously innocent, and the lawyer defends the minor crime, the lawyer is incompetent.
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