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Motorcycle overload accident

 Motorcycle overload accident
Traffic violation is a violation of traffic management. Violation of traffic regulations may bring inconvenience to society, groups, enterprises, schools and other organizations, and bring many uncertain factors to social management. Any vehicle or pedestrian who violates the traffic management rules and regulations, and any organ, group, enterprise, school or other organization or individual who arbitrarily occupies the road to set up stalls, park vehicles, stack things, build shelters and houses, and carry out market trade and other activities that hinder traffic without the approval of the public security organ, is a traffic violation.
2024-02-22 02:21:47 4207 people have been helped

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How to deal with motorcycle accidents

1. Report the case to the traffic police and your own insurance company at the same time. The insurance company will immediately go out to the scene to take photos, and then the insurance company will issue an on-site investigation form.

2. Do not change the scene of the accident while waiting for the case to be reported. It is better for both parties to exchange phones and driver's licenses when necessary. At the same time, I estimate whether the loss of my motorcycle is within 2000 yuan. The traffic regulations now stipulate that accidents with losses below 2000 yuan generally do not need to be divided into accident responsibilities.

3. If the loss is less than 2000 yuan, things will be easier. Both parties to the accident went directly to the fast claims center, which only accepted cases below 2000 yuan. Note that when going to the center, both parties and vehicles must be present.

4. When arriving at the center with the on-site survey sheet, the insurance company will ask both parties to fill in the "Collision Self Compensation Agreement" (currently, cases below 2000 yuan are generally handled in the way of collision self compensation, and the advantage of this way is that their own losses are borne by their own insurance company without any trouble). Fill in the agreement and keep it together with the on-site investigation form.

5. After leaving the center, there will be no need to contact the other side of the accident again. Get your accident vehicle to a motorcycle 3S store that you trust, and notify your insurance company to send someone to the 3S store to jointly determine the loss with the store staff. What should be noted here is that the insurance company will take this quotation back to review the price itself after the in store loss assessment quotation comes out. Therefore, the price finally approved by the insurance company is the final compensation price, which may be somewhat different from the price provided by the 3S store, but generally not very different. Also, before the loss assessment, do not start repairing the car privately, and try to maintain the original state of the accident.

6. After determining the loss, you can put the motorcycle in the 3S store and go home by yourself. After one or two working days, the insurance company will notify the loss determination result by telephone, and then go to the 3S store to confirm the signature. After signing, the car can be repaired. If you are not satisfied with the loss determination result of the insurance company, you should never sign.

7. The repair cost will be paid by the customer first, and the 3S store will issue an invoice when the car is repaired. Bring the original invoice ID The copy, the copy of the driving license, the copy of the driving license, the previous agreement and the survey sheet, go to the fast claims center to make an account, and the whole process will be completed after the account is reported.

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