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The responsible party of the traffic accident does not answer the phone

 The responsible party of the traffic accident does not answer the phone
The traffic management department of the public security organ shall determine the responsibility of the party in the traffic accident according to the role of the act of the party in the traffic accident in the occurrence of the traffic accident and the seriousness of the fault. Traffic accident liability is mainly divided into five categories. The identification of traffic accident liability is directly related to the relevant compensation content, so we should pay attention to traffic accident liability. However, the identification of traffic accident liability should be carried out within the period of identification of traffic accident liability according to the specified principles of identification of traffic accident liability.
2024-02-25 05:24:54 3663 people have been helped

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Is the division of liability for traffic accidents related to compensation
The accident responsibility shall be subject to the accident responsibility identification letter issued by the traffic police. If you are not satisfied with the accident responsibility identification letter, you shall apply to the superior traffic police department for review within three days from the date of receipt. The other vehicle is in Compulsory traffic insurance Compensation shall be paid in advance within the limit, and the rest shall be shared according to the division of accident responsibility Third party liability insurance The insurance company shall bear the liability within the limit of liability.
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