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Official holidays in Cambodia

 Official holidays in Cambodia
For every worker, it is a happy thing to get paid by virtue of their own labor achievements. When an employee goes to the company for an interview, one of the core concerns is the company's salary level and employee benefits. The current welfare treatment means that in order to retain and motivate employees, the welfare is non cash remuneration, while the allowance is fixed in cash. The timely payment of wages and the guarantee of welfare are the most effective ways to improve the enthusiasm of employees.
2024-02-21 15:15:40 2777 people have been helped

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How to handle the legal holidays in Cambodia in 2024?
(1) Paid according to employees annual leave According to the regulations, employees of government organs, organizations, enterprises, institutions, private non enterprise units, self-employed industrial and commercial households with employees and other units who have worked continuously for more than one year are entitled to paid annual leave (hereinafter referred to as annual leave). The unit shall ensure that employees enjoy annual leave. During the annual leave period, employees enjoy the same wages Revenue. 5 days of annual leave for those who have worked for more than 1 year but less than 10 years accumulatively; 10 days of annual leave for those who have been over 10 years but less than 20 years; 15 days of annual leave for those who have completed 20 years. (2) National statutory holidays and rest days are not included in annual leave. (3) Under any of the following circumstances, the employee does not enjoy the annual leave of the current year: ① The employee enjoys winter and summer vacations according to law, and the number of days of leave is more than the number of days of annual leave; ② Employees who have taken personal leave for more than 20 days accumulatively and the unit does not deduct wages according to regulations; ③ Employees who have worked for more than one year but less than 10 years in total, please sick leave Accumulated more than 2 months; ④ Employees who have worked for more than 10 years but less than 20 years in total have taken sick leave for more than 3 months in total; ⑤ Employees who have worked for more than 20 years in total have taken sick leave for more than 4 months in total. (4) Annual leave can be arranged in a centralized way or in sections within one year. Generally, it is not arranged across years.
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