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Arbitration or litigation shall be selected for contract disputes

 Arbitration or litigation shall be selected for contract disputes
The validity of a contract refers to the legal effect of a legally protected contract that is established according to law and must not change or remove the legal binding force of the contract without authorization for the parties to the contract to perform their obligations under the contract. This "legal effect" does not mean that the contract itself is a law, but that because the will of the parties to the contract conforms to the will of the state and social interests, the state gives the will of the parties a binding force, requiring the parties to the contract to strictly perform the contract, otherwise relying on the national coercive force, the parties are required to perform the contract and bear the responsibility for breach of contract.
2024-02-26 10:34:52 1811 people helped

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How to Defend Contract Dispute Litigation
China《 contract law 》The main provisions are principle of strict liability The principle of no fault. So in the trial Disputes over sales contracts The case shall be defended according to the following principles: 1. Judgment and distinction shall be made according to the content of the terms agreed by both parties in the contract and the unique nature of the contract itself Parties to the contract Rights and obligations. 2. Involving certain products business contract Both parties shall agree on such contents as contracting obligations, installation and maintenance obligations, and technical guidance obligations for product use. 3. In practice, the buyer often uses the seller's failure to perform the obligations of contracting, installation, maintenance, and technical guidance for product use in a timely and practical manner as a defense against payment for goods. 4. The non performance of the secondary obligations of the contract cannot be used as a defense for the Buyer to refuse to pay. 5. Pay attention to the exercise conditions of the right of defense at the same time.
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