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Individual social security issues

 Individual social security issues
Labor security refers to the sum of all measures and actions taken to protect the basic rights and interests of workers. The purpose of the labor security system is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers, which is different from other legal systems regulating labor relations. The content of labor security is the independent personality, legal status and material interests of the subject. The independent personality of the subject is the prerequisite for obtaining legal status, and the independent legal status is the prerequisite for realizing material interests. Labor security should first establish and maintain the independent personality and legal status of workers and employers.
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Article 26 stipulates: "Requirements for spouses of active servicemen divorce With the consent of the soldiers. " According to this provision, when the spouse of an active serviceman applies for divorce, but the serviceman does not agree to divorce, the people's court should educate the plaintiff to cherish the husband and wife relationship with the serviceman, try to reconcile or make a judgment not to divorce. If the relationship between husband and wife has really broken down, mediation and good work have failed, and the relationship between husband and wife really cannot continue to be maintained, the ideological work of the soldiers should also be done through the political organ above the regiment level in the army where the soldiers belong, and divorce should be granted.
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