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Custody and right of custody

 Custody and right of custody
Based on the special emotional connection of parent-child relationship and the common living condition of the family, although parents' raising of minor children is a compulsory obligation, in most cases it is the result of parents' voluntary performance of their obligations, and legal and social forces do not need to intervene or intervene too much. However, this does not rule out that in real life, a few people are selfish, born without support, and openly deviate from the moral responsibilities and legal obligations that parents should bear. In this case, we must use public power to force parents to fulfill their obligations of upbringing.
2024-02-24 03:18:21 Helped 2164 people

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Custody right and conditions
Children under the age of two usually live with their mothers. If the parent party has one of the following circumstances, it can live with the parent party:

(1) Having infectious diseases or other serious diseases that cannot be cured for a long time, and children are not suitable to live with them;  

(2) Yes raise The parents ask their children to live with them when the conditions do not fulfill their obligation to support them;  

(3) For other reasons, children really cannot live with their mother.

If both parents agree that a child under the age of two will live with the father and have no adverse impact on the healthy growth of the child, permission may be granted.

According to your situation, it is possible to sue in court, and you have a good chance of winning.
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In the face of this situation, you need to calm down and take the following steps: 1. * * Legal consultation * *: First, contact professional lawyers for legal consultation. Lawyers can provide you with professional legal advice on how to respond to police investigations, possible legal proceedings and how to protect your rights and interests. 2. * * Collect evidence * *: sort out and save all evidence related to the incident, including but not limited to surveillance video, on-site photos, witness testimony, medical reports (if any), communication records of both parties, etc. These evidences are vital to restore the truth of the incident and define responsibility. 3. * * Cooperate with the investigation * *: After the public security organs intervene, they should actively cooperate with the police to investigate, honestly state the facts, and avoid emotional words and deeds affecting the case handling. At the same time, understand the results of the old lady's injury identification, which will directly affect the determination of legal responsibility. 4. * * Communication and mediation * *: under the guidance of lawyers, try to communicate with the old lady or her family members to explore the possibility of out of court settlement. Sometimes, an agreement can be reached through third-party mediation institutions or community mediation to avoid the long-term consumption of litigation. 5. * * Focus on legal consequences * *: understand the legal responsibilities that you and your husband may face. According to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security and the Criminal Law, beating may constitute a crime of intentional injury or a violation of regulations on public security administration, and the specific responsibility depends on the result of injury identification. 6. * * Prepare for possible legal proceedings * *: If mediation fails, be prepared to participate in possible administrative hearings or court proceedings, including preparation of defense materials, witness testimony, etc. 7. * * Psychological preparation * *: This kind of event is a pressure on both families. Keep a calm mind, minimize the impact of emotions on daily life, and seek psychological counseling when necessary. Remember that legal issues are complex, and every detail may affect the direction of the case. Therefore, it is important to follow the professional advice of lawyers. At the same time, try to solve the problem through peaceful means to avoid further deterioration of the situation.
Question: My husband saw her fight back. She hit my husband with one punch and one mouth. My husband was so angry that he cursed my family and neighbors downstairs (70 old ladies) in the face?
In the face of this situation, you need to calm down and take the following steps: 1. * * Legal consultation * *: First, contact professional lawyers for legal consultation. Lawyers can provide you with professional legal advice on how to respond to police investigations, possible legal proceedings and how to protect your rights and interests. 2. * * Collect evidence * *: sort out and save all evidence related to the incident, including but not limited to surveillance video, on-site photos, witness testimony, medical reports (if any), communication records of both parties, etc. These evidences are vital to restore the truth of the incident and define responsibility. 3. * * Cooperate with the investigation * *: After the public security organs intervene, they should actively cooperate with the police to investigate, honestly state the facts, and avoid emotional words and deeds affecting the case handling. At the same time, understand the results of the old lady's injury identification, which will directly affect the determination of legal responsibility. 4. * * Communication and mediation * *: under the guidance of lawyers, try to communicate with the old lady or her family members to explore the possibility of out of court settlement. Sometimes, an agreement can be reached through third-party mediation institutions or community mediation to avoid the long-term consumption of litigation. 5. * * Focus on legal consequences * *: understand the legal responsibilities that you and your husband may face. According to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security and the Criminal Law, beating may constitute a crime of intentional injury or a violation of regulations on public security administration, and the specific responsibility depends on the result of injury identification. 6. * * Prepare for possible legal proceedings * *: If mediation fails, be prepared to participate in possible administrative hearings or court proceedings, including preparation of defense materials, witness testimony, etc. 7. * * Psychological preparation * *: This kind of event is a pressure on both families. Keep a calm mind, minimize the impact of emotions on daily life, and seek psychological counseling when necessary. Remember that legal issues are complex, and every detail may affect the direction of the case. Therefore, it is important to follow the professional advice of lawyers. At the same time, try to solve the problem through peaceful means to avoid further deterioration of the situation.
Question: My husband saw her fight back. She hit my husband with one punch and one mouth. My husband was so angry that he cursed my family and neighbors downstairs (70 old ladies) in the face?
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