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Homestead in Wenquan Town, Conghua

 Homestead in Wenquan Town, Conghua
Rural homestead is just a kind of use right, and the ownership belongs to the village collective. Farmers enjoy the ownership of the attachments on the homestead, have the right to buy, sell and lease, and shall not be infringed by others. After the house is sold or leased, the right to use the homestead is transferred to the transferee or lessee, but the ownership of the homestead is always owned by the collective. Those who apply for homestead after selling or renting houses shall not be approved. Farmers shall not use land for building houses and small courtyards in excess of the standards set by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.
2024-02-24 04:52:52 Helped 3301 people

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Can urban homestead be inherited

House bearing Homestead Yes, it is not allowed inherit Within the scope of Rural homestead Or urban homestead is not inheritable.

The law stipulates that rural homestead cannot be inherited as heritage. But, heir The houses built on the homestead can be inherited. The homestead must be acquired because of the membership of the rural collective economic organization, and lost because of the loss of the membership of the collective economic organization.

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