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Forged signature infringes the right of name

 Forged signature infringes the right of name
There are many objects of infringement, such as animals hurting people and consuming rights. There are also property infringements in the society, such as pickpocketing. Most of the parties will choose not to make a statement in case of pickpocketing, which indirectly increases the arrogance of pickpockets and should be dealt with by the police in a timely manner. Because the specific circumstances of the behavior are different, the parties should take targeted measures, which should not be generalized, so they may not be able to protect their legitimate rights and interests.
2024-02-26 09:30:58 Helped 1947 people

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What are the manifestations of infringement of the right to name

(1) Occurring in daily life Infringement of name right There are mainly the following types:

Interfering in the name of another person or the decision to change his name, or forcing another person to change his name; Forcing them to use or not to use a certain name, such as asking them to give up their pen name or stage name; Using other people's names without their consent or legal permission, such as using other people's names to publish illegal speech, and using other people's names to participate in social activities; Those who take part in civil activities in the name of others in order to seek personal gains, such as publishing works in the name of others or concluding contracts in the name of others.

1. Interfere with others to decide, use or change their names.

2. Embezzlement of others' names.

Embezzlement of others' names refers to carrying out certain activities in the name of others without their consent or authorization in order to raise their own value or seek illegitimate interests.

3. Use another person's name.

It refers to using others' names to impersonate others to carry out activities in order to achieve a certain purpose.

(2) There are differences between stealing others' names and using others' names falsely. The specific differences are as follows:

Embezzlement mainly refers to the theft of someone's name, not necessarily the name of the person himself. For example, A steals B's name and tells C that he is B's friend, so as to cheat C's trust and gain some benefits. An impersonation is the impersonation of a person's name, and the person who plays the role of the name is himself. For example, A says that he is B. He cheats to gain some benefits.

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