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The salary in September is subject to individual income tax in November

 The salary in September is subject to individual income tax in November
For every worker, it is a happy thing to get paid by virtue of their own labor achievements. When an employee goes to the company for an interview, one of the core concerns is the company's salary level and employee benefits. The current welfare treatment means that in order to retain and motivate employees, the welfare is non cash remuneration, while the allowance is fixed in cash. The timely payment of wages and the guarantee of welfare are the most effective ways to improve the enthusiasm of employees.
2024-02-19 16:21:55 2376 people have been helped

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Do you pay one month's salary when you start work in the middle of the month

It is not a month after starting work in the middle of the month wages In general, the salary for less than one month will be calculated according to your actual attendance days.

Wage is the salary of employees. It is the salary due to employees in a fixed working relationship. It is the remuneration paid by legal employers to employees in the form of currency according to the provisions of laws or industry regulations, or according to the agreement with employees. Therefore, even if your working time is less than one month, the company should also pay you according to your attendance days.

According to the provisions of the Notice on the Annual Average Monthly Working Hours and Wage Conversion of Employees issued by the Ministry of Labor, the monthly salary days should be calculated according to 21.75, that is, "monthly salary days=(365 days - 104 days) ÷ December=21.75 days".

Therefore, the salary for less than one month is the daily salary × attendance days.

Therefore, new and old employees should pay attention to the following points when calculating their salaries:

1. The calculation formula of monthly wage payable shall be: daily wage standard × specific working days

2. In case of absence, the salary of the current month is the daily salary × the number of days of attendance, not the number of days of absence

Other wage calculation methods:

Calculation method of hourly wage: hourly wage=monthly wage income ÷ (21.75 × 8)

holiday and vacations overtime pay Calculation: monthly wage income ÷ 21.75 × 300%

Calculation of overtime pay on public holidays: monthly wage income ÷ 21.75 × 200%

To sum up, the entry process of new employees mainly includes check-in, entry formalities handling, employee training, passing probation period Assessment and formal employment of employees. As for the issue of one month's salary for mid month entry, the editor told us that mid month entry is not one month's salary. If the month of entry is less than one month, the salary we get is the actual number of days of attendance multiplied by the daily work wage.

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