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Intentional injury did not cause minor injury

 Intentional injury did not cause minor injury
Violent crime is a very prominent criminal phenomenon in China's current criminal activities. Due to the influence of international terrorist activities, overseas mafia organizations are constantly infiltrating into the mainland of China. Domestic violent criminal activities have also become increasingly serious. Using legal means to curb and prevent violent crimes, especially serious violent crimes, is an important part of maintaining social order. In China, violent crime is an act that seriously endangers public security, infringes on the person, and undermines public order. It is the focus of China's criminal law and judicial authorities.
2024-02-24 15:56:02 2445 people have been helped

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How to sentence for intentional injury causing minor injury

1、 Minor injury No criminal case, no criminal responsibility, only administrative responsibility( Public security punishment )And civil liability for compensation. General minor injuries can be mediated by the public security, and will not be punished after reaching an agreement through mediation; If mediation fails, a fine or less than 15 days may be imposed Administrative detention

2. Detention or fine:

(1) The public security punishment on both sides should be decided by the county level public security bureau, not the problem you "put forward" or not.

(2) The detention is between five days and ten days. If you are disabled or under the age of fourteen, the detention can be between ten days and fifteen days.

(3) The fine may be between 200 yuan and 500 yuan, and in serious cases between 500 yuan and 1000 yuan.

(4) Both detention and fine may be imposed, that is, combined punishment.

Based on:《 Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security 》Article 43: "Beating another person, or Intentional injury If another person is physically ill, he shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than 10 days and shall also be fined; If the circumstances are relatively minor, he shall be detained for not more than five days or fined not more than 500 yuan.

Under any of the following circumstances, a person shall be detained for not less than 10 days but not more than 15 days, and shall also be fined not less than 500 yuan but not more than 1000 yuan: (1) gang up to beat or hurt another person; (2) Beating or harming a disabled person, a pregnant woman, a person under the age of 14 or a person over the age of 60; (3) Beating or harming others for many times, or beating or harming more than one person at a time ".

3、 Filing a case Prosecution steps: write down Indictment , with ID , Related evidence (It is evidence from the other party, evidence of treatment costs, etc.), go to the filing court of the court to request filing, and then wait until the court notifies you to participate in the hearing.

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