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Several years of house freezing

 Several years of house freezing
2024-07-03 10:05:02 Helped 2072 people

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Several years of house freezing
According to the relevant legal provisions of our country, the period of real estate seizure is clearly stipulated, that is, two years. Such period starts from the date of sealing.
At the same time, in order to ensure the rights and interests of the person subjected to execution, the People's Court shall take freezing measures against bank deposits and other forms of funds under his name for a maximum period of six months, while the period for sealing up and seizing movable property shall not exceed one year, and the period for sealing up and freezing immovable property and other property rights shall not exceed two years. Of course, unless otherwise specified in laws or judicial interpretations.
The Supreme People's Court on People's Courts civil execution Article 29 The time limit for the people's court to freeze the bank deposits and other funds of the person subjected to execution shall not exceed six months, the time limit for the people's court to seal up and detain movable property shall not exceed one year, and the time limit for sealing up immovable property and freezing other property rights shall not exceed two years. Unless otherwise stipulated by laws and judicial interpretations. If the person applying for execution applies for extension of the time limit, the people's court shall go through the formalities for renewal of the sealing up, distraining or freezing before the expiration of the time limit for sealing up, distraining or freezing, and the time limit for renewal shall not exceed half of the time limit specified in the preceding paragraph.
Article 30 If the time limit for sealing up, distraining or freezing has expired and the people's court has not gone through the formalities for extension, the effectiveness of sealing up, distraining or freezing shall cease. If the sealed up, distrained or frozen property has been auctioned, sold off or used to pay off debts, the effectiveness of the sealed up, distrained or frozen property shall cease.
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