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Does the failure of parents' loans affect their children's school entrance examination

 Does the failure of parents' loans affect their children's school entrance examination
With the rise of online shopping platforms, many people have opened online banking and mobile banking for the convenience of shopping. These two have brought many conveniences to people, but at the same time, they have also brought many troubles. The hackers on the network are skilled, and the parties accidentally leak their bank passwords, leading to the theft of deposits. Therefore, consumers must confirm whether the payment is safe, and do not click foreign links at will. After the bank card is stolen and swiped, it is necessary to take measures at the first time to retain the corresponding evidence, and then it is possible to require the bank to assume responsibility.
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Does the failure of parents' loans affect their children's school entrance examination
When the parents are unable to pay off the loans they owe, this usually has no direct impact on their children's entrance examination.
However, if Overdue loan If the situation of failure to repay on time is indeed true and unable to bear, they should actively and actively carry out friendly communication with the loan institutions, and negotiate to seek solutions to extend the repayment period or make installment payments.
If the lender takes legal means to file a lawsuit to the court litigation And ultimately win the lawsuit, but still fail to perform the court judgment as scheduled, then the loan institution will have the right to apply Court enforcement
In this process, if the circumstances are serious, their relevant information will be recorded in the personal credit report, and may face many inconveniences such as restrictions on high consumption and entry and exit, and may even be subject to judicial detention.
Article 201 of Several Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on People's Courts Hearing Loan Cases
Where the lender fails to provide the loan on the agreed date and in the agreed amount, thereby causing losses to the borrower, it shall compensate for the losses. If the borrower fails to collect the loan on the agreed date and amount, it shall pay interest on the agreed date and amount.
Article 203
If the borrower fails to use the loan for the agreed purpose, the lender may stop issuing the loan, withdraw the loan in advance, or terminate a contract
Article 205
The borrower shall pay the interest within the agreed period. Where the time limit for interest payment was not prescribed or clearly prescribed, and cannot be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of this Law, if the loan period is less than one year, it shall be paid together with the repayment of the loan; If the loan period is more than one year, it shall be paid at the end of each year. If the remaining period is less than one year, it shall be paid together with the repayment of the loan.
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