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Can passengers ask for refund if the air-conditioned car doesn't work

 Can passengers ask for refund if the air-conditioned car doesn't work
Modern transportation is very developed, and the choice of transportation modes is also diversified. The development of transportation industry provides opportunities for commodities to appear in various places. However, some goods may be damaged during transportation. In case of transportation damage, compensation liability must be agreed before transportation. According to the regulations, the carrier shall be liable for damages for the damage or loss of the goods in the course of transportation, but if the carrier proves that the damage or loss of the goods was caused by force majeure, the natural nature of the goods or reasonable wear and tear, as well as the fault of the shipper and consignee, it shall not be liable for
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Can passengers ask for refund if the air-conditioned car doesn't work
If the air conditioner is not turned on on the air-conditioned vehicle, passengers can claim the right to refund tickets according to law.
When passengers pay the ticket price according to the air conditioning ticket price, they have concluded a contract with the carrier company Transport contract Relationship.
As a passenger transport company, it shall strictly abide by the agreement of the contract and earnestly fulfill its service responsibilities.
However, if the passenger transport company fails to comply with the obligations agreed in the contract and changes the contents specified in the contract without permission, such as changing the original air-conditioned vehicle to an ordinary vehicle, this is undoubtedly the performance of reducing the service quality and constitutes a breach of contract.
Civil Code 》Article 815
Passengers shall ride according to the time, flight number and seat number recorded on the valid ticket. If a passenger takes a ride without a ticket, beyond the limit of the journey, beyond the class or with a preferential ticket that does not meet the conditions for price reduction, he or she shall pay the fare in arrears, and the carrier may charge an additional fare in accordance with regulations; If the passenger fails to pay the fare, the carrier may refuse to carry.
If a passenger under a real name passenger transport contract loses a ticket, he or she may request the carrier to report the loss and apply for a replacement, and the carrier may not collect the ticket price and other unreasonable fees again.
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