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How to solve the gambling debt court

 How to solve the gambling debt court
Creditor's right is the right in civil law to request others to do certain acts. Based on the relative principle of rights and obligations, it is a debt relative to the creditor, that is, a civil law obligation that must be a certain act. Therefore, the relationship of debt is essentially a judicial relationship of creditor's rights and debt. Neither creditor's rights nor debt can exist alone, otherwise it will lose its meaning. Creditor's rights and debts can be transferred or disappear due to the debtor's repayment. However, whether the transfer of creditor's rights and debts or the disappearance of creditor's rights and debts must comply with the corresponding legal provisions.
2024-05-23 12:30:12 2587 people helped

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How to solve the gambling debt court
When it comes to participation in gambling Debt dispute When the debt The act of suing the court as a basis is usually not recognized or accepted by the court.
Because at the legal level, gambling itself is regarded as an invalid legal act, which cannot produce legal and effective Creditor's rights and debts Relationship.
This so-called "gambling debt" not only violates the relevant national laws statute It is also an invalid debt that is not protected by law.
Therefore, in this case creditor Without any form of claim and right of action, there is no right to submit to the court litigation , ask the other party to repay the corresponding gambling debt.
The Supreme People's Court private lending Article 14 of the Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law to Cases, in any of the following circumstances, the people's court shall determine that Private Loan Contract Invalid:
(1) Obtaining credit funds from financial institutions and then lending them to borrowers at a high interest rate, and the borrowers knew or should have known about it in advance;
(2) The funds obtained by borrowing from other enterprises or raising funds from the employees of the unit are then lent to the borrower for profit, and the borrower knew or should have known;
(3) The lender knows or should know that the borrower still provides loans for illegal and criminal activities;
(4) Violating social order and good customs;
(5) Other violations of the mandatory provisions of laws and administrative regulations.
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