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What is the time limit for further questioning

 What is the time limit for further questioning
If the people's court, the public security organ and the people's procuratorate jointly witness the situation in accordance with the corresponding legal procedures between the parties and other participants related to the litigation act, the procedure for hearing the litigation claims related to the parties is called criminal proceedings. According to the different contents and forms of litigation, litigation activities can be divided into criminal proceedings, civil proceedings and administrative proceedings. Criminal procedure is an activity to realize the national penalty right. The central content of criminal proceedings is to solve the criminal responsibility of the accused.
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What is the time limit for further questioning
Generally, the duration of continuous interrogation is limited to 12 hours;
If it is impossible to clearly confirm or exclude the possibility that the person involved is suspected of breaking the law or committing a crime within the 12 hours, the time limit can be extended to 24 hours;
For those who refuse to disclose their real names, addresses and identity information, and still cannot determine or exclude their suspected violations within 24 hours, the time of interrogation can be extended to 48 hours again.
The People's Republic of China criminal procedure law 》Article 86
The public security organ shall interrogate the detainee within 24 hours after detention. If it is found that he should not be detained, he must be released immediately and issued a release certificate.
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