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How to apply for reimbursement of rural cooperative medical service for medical treatment in other places

 How to apply for reimbursement of rural cooperative medical service for medical treatment in other places
Social insurance is compulsory insurance implemented by the state for the living and medical security of employees. The so-called mandatory means that the laws and regulations directly stipulate the rights and obligations of both parties, and the parties shall not negotiate freely. Social insurance disputes belong to labor disputes. There are three ways to deal with social insurance disputes, namely, administrative handling, judicial relief, social participation and supervision. The way. The social insurance dispute is caused by the dispute between the laborer and the employer over non payment, less payment or late payment of social insurance premiums.
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How to apply for reimbursement of rural cooperative medical service for medical treatment in other places
When receiving inpatient treatment in another place, you need to first medical insurance The institution shall apply and obtain its approval before treatment, otherwise the participating place has the right to refuse to provide you with reimbursement services.
After the insured place confirms and approves your application, please prepare the hospitalization medical record, detailed expense list, all invoices generated during hospitalization, discharge summary and other documents, as well as the corresponding disease diagnosis certificate, individual ID Documents, household register, cooperative medical care book (or certificate, card), and transfer procedures or certificates (such as work permit or emergency certificate).
Then go to the designated reimbursement hospital medical insurance Reimbursement procedures are handled at the settlement window.
The People's Republic of China Social Insurance Law 》Article 23
The staff and workers shall participate in the basic medical insurance for the staff and workers, and the employing unit and the staff and workers shall jointly pay the basic medical insurance premium according to the state regulations.
Individual businesses without employees, part-time employees who do not participate in the basic medical insurance for employees in the employing unit and other flexible employees can participate in the basic medical insurance for employees, and the basic medical insurance premiums shall be paid by individuals according to the state regulations.
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