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Lend money to others first How to write a loan slip is effective

 Lend money to others first How to write a loan slip is effective
The act of borrowing money in the name of an individual belongs to the category of personal debt. Personal debt is generally formed by writing a receipt for a debit note, but only a debit note in accordance with the prescribed format can be used as a legal voucher for collecting arrears. The performance of debt is the realization of creditor's rights. Debt and creditor's rights together constitute the content of debt. In a sense, a certain debt can meet your needs. Otherwise, you will be unable to repay, or even spend your cash savings, leading to your bankruptcy, or greatly reducing your investment.
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Lend money to others first How to write a loan slip is effective
about Debit note Although there is no strictly prescribed format requirement for the specific writing form of, the loan amount, borrower information (including ID No.), the deadline for repayment of the loan, and the specific purpose of the loan must be listed in detail.
In addition, special attention should be paid to the existence of interest rate provisions, because for the borrowing behavior between two natural persons, if the two parties do not clearly agree on the interest payment or the agreement is not clear, it is usually deemed that no interest payment is required.
In addition, when signing the IOU, make sure that all relevant personnel have signed and stamped their fingerprints, especially in the part involving the loan amount and the borrower's name, and leave clear fingerprints as far as possible.
At the same time, in order to ensure the safety of the loan funds, it is recommended to use bank transfer for payment, and keep the written voucher signed by the borrower to confirm the receipt of funds.
Civil Code 》Article 668
Loan contract The loan shall be in writing, unless it is otherwise agreed between natural persons.
The contents of a loan contract generally include terms such as the type, currency, purpose, amount, interest rate, term and repayment method of the loan.
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