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How long can the borrower file a lawsuit

 How long can the borrower file a lawsuit
The act of borrowing money in the name of an individual belongs to the category of personal debt. Personal debt is generally formed by writing a receipt for a debit note, but only a debit note in accordance with the prescribed format can be used as a legal voucher for collecting arrears. The performance of debt is the realization of creditor's rights. Debt and creditor's rights together constitute the content of debt. In a sense, a certain debt can meet your needs. Otherwise, you will be unable to repay, or even spend your cash savings, leading to your bankruptcy, or greatly reducing your investment.
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How long can the borrower file a lawsuit
As for the situation that private loans cannot be repaid on time, it is suggested that you can start relevant legal procedures for recourse on the day when the repayment period expires.
If the agreement signed is arrears If the voucher does not specify the repayment date, then Limitation of action It can be raised within a legal period of three years from the date of your first request for repayment.
If the repayment date is specified on this debt voucher, you need to launch it within three years after the agreed repayment time litigation
In case of no explicit agreement or ambiguous agreement on the loan term, according to the current "People's Republic of China Civil Code 》The borrower has the right to repay the loan at any time in accordance with Article 510;
As the lender, you have the right to urge the borrower to perform the repayment obligation within a reasonable period of time in writing.
Article 675 of the Civil Code
[Time limit for the borrower to repay the loan] The borrower shall repay the loan within the agreed time limit. If the term of the loan was not agreed or clearly agreed, and cannot be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 510 of this Law, the borrower may repay the loan at any time; The lender may demand the borrower to return the loan within a reasonable period of time.
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