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Can concussion be identified by judicial expertise

 Can concussion be identified by judicial expertise
Judicial expertise refers to an activity in which judicial organs or parties entrust legal expertise units to identify and judge special issues in cases according to legal procedures by using professional knowledge and technology. In the process of criminal proceedings, the actor has doubts about some professional problems that he can apply for judicial expertise. Since the results of judicial expertise will affect the results of criminal proceedings to a certain extent, the actor should go to an institution with expertise qualification to conduct judicial appraisal according to law.
2024-05-23 12:30:08 Helped 2618 people

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Can concussion be identified by judicial expertise
After your brain suffers from concussion, it is completely possible to Judicial expertise Of.
Please rest assured that except for the following conditions statute Yes, we will try our best to provide you with help and services:
When the entrusted matters involved are beyond the judicial expertise business field of our institution;
If any untrue, incomplete, insufficient or illegal identification materials are found during the identification process;
If the identified purpose violates the existing laws and regulations or public order and good customs;
And the identification requirements conflict with the judicial identification practice rules or relevant identification technical specifications.
Civil Code 》Article 290
Judicial expertise procedure Article 11 of the General Principles
Judicial authentication institutions shall uniformly accept the entrustment of judicial authentication by case handling organs.
Article 12
If the client entrusts appraisal, he shall provide authentic, complete and sufficient appraisal materials to the judicial appraisal institution, and shall be responsible for the authenticity and legality of the appraisal materials. The judicial appraisal institution shall check and record the name, type, quantity, character, preservation status, receiving time, etc. of the appraisal materials.
litigation If the party has any objection to the appraisal materials, it shall submit it to the client.
The identification materials referred to in the General Principles include biological and non biological inspection materials, comparison sample materials and other identification materials related to identification matters.
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