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Whether children born out of wedlock should bear maintenance fees

 Whether children born out of wedlock should bear maintenance fees
Based on the special emotional connection of parent-child relationship and the common living condition of the family, although parents' raising of minor children is a compulsory obligation, in most cases it is the result of parents' voluntary performance of their obligations, and legal and social forces do not need to intervene or intervene too much. However, this does not rule out that in real life, a few people are selfish, born without support, and openly deviate from the moral responsibilities and legal obligations that parents should bear. In this case, we must use public power to force parents to fulfill their obligations of upbringing.
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Whether children born out of wedlock should bear maintenance fees
Not directly support The responsible party shall pay the child born out of wedlock Alimony Use.
According to the current laws and regulations of China, it is not directly raise This Illegitimate child The natural father or mother of.
The specific amount of alimony and the length of the term shall be settled by both parties through consultation;
If the consultation fails, the people's court shall make a ruling according to law.
The People's Republic of China Civil Code 》Article 1085
divorce After that, if the child is directly supported by one party, the other party shall bear part or all of the maintenance fees. The number of expenses to be borne and the length of the time limit shall be agreed by both parties; If the agreement fails, the people's court shall make a judgment.
The agreement or judgment mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall not prevent children from making reasonable demands to either of their parents when necessary in excess of the amount originally set in the agreement or judgment.
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