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How much is 30000 yuan for a lawsuit

 How much is 30000 yuan for a lawsuit
The fees for lawyers' services shall follow the principles of openness, fairness, voluntariness, compensation, honesty and credibility, and shall be guided by the government and regulated by the market. The benchmark price and the floating range of the government guided price shall be formulated by the price departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in conjunction with the judicial administration departments at the same level. When the government formulates the fees for lawyer services, it shall listen to the opinions of all sectors of society, and may conduct hearings when necessary.
2024-03-24 09:05:05 1396 people helped

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How much is 30000 yuan for a lawsuit
You know what? lawyer The method and amount of service charge are usually determined according to different cases and the overall target.
Generally, there are several kinds of collection, such as collection by piece, collection by standard, or collection depending on the length of time.
From criminal cases to civil cases, we can calculate money like this.
For example, if the object of the dispute you are involved in is 30000 yuan, it is a civil case related to property litigation Case.
At this time, the service fee charged by the lawyer is usually based on the object of the whole case.
If the property problem is involved, generally speaking, if it is less than 10000 yuan, it will cost 1000 yuan to 2000 yuan;
If it is more than 10000 but less than 100000, it should be collected at the rate of 5% - 6%;
If it is more than 100000 but less than 1 million, it is calculated as 4% - 5%.
However, there is one thing to pay attention to in this way, that is, no matter what the final result is, the money cannot be returned to you, that is, you must pay this in advance agent Fee. Lawyer service charge Article 6 The benchmark price and floating range of the government guidance price shall be formulated by the competent price departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in conjunction with the judicial administration departments at the same level.
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