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Compensation for demolition is too low, how to compensate for housing demolition

 Compensation for demolition is too low, how to compensate for housing demolition
Due to the needs of urban planning and special construction projects, the right to use urban state-owned land is redistributed, so as to achieve a reasonable allocation of land resources and maximize the efficiency of land use. This often requires the demolition of a large number of old houses and the development and construction of new real estate on the original land. However, since the land attachments condense the capital and labor of the original users, and are the basic material conditions for the survival and production of the original users and households, in the process of reconstruction, the host of the demolition work must make appropriate compensation for the losses of the original users and households
2024-02-19 17:39:26 2509 people helped

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Compensation for demolition is too low, how to compensate for housing demolition
[Problem analysis]
house Demolition If the compensation price is too low, upon the application of the party concerned, the administrative department of housing demolition shall make a ruling. If the administrative department of housing demolition and removal is the relocated person, the people's government at the same level shall make a ruling. The ruling shall be made within 30 days from the date of receiving the application.
[Content of legal basis]
On State owned Land Regulations on House Expropriation and Compensation 》Article 17
make House expropriation The compensation decided by the people's government of the city or county level to the person who is expropriated includes:
(1) Was House expropriation Compensation of value;
(2) Compensation for relocation and temporary resettlement caused by house expropriation;
(3) Compensation for the loss of production and business suspension caused by the expropriation of houses. The people's governments at the municipal and county levels shall formulate measures for subsidies and rewards, and give subsidies and rewards to the people who are expropriated.
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