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Do you deduct points for parking next to the bus stop

 Do you deduct points for parking next to the bus stop
Traffic violation is a violation of traffic management. Violation of traffic regulations may bring inconvenience to society, groups, enterprises, schools and other organizations, and bring many uncertain factors to social management. Any vehicle or pedestrian who violates the traffic management rules and regulations, and any organ, group, enterprise, school or other organization or individual who arbitrarily occupies the road to set up stalls, park vehicles, stack things, build shelters and houses, and carry out market trade and other activities that hinder traffic without the approval of the public security organ, is a traffic violation.
2024-02-22 02:31:52 2425 people helped

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Do you deduct points for parking next to the bus stop
Temporary parking in bus lane Illegal parking The bus lane belongs to the urban trunk road, and a fine of 100-150 yuan will be imposed for illegal parking, with no points deducted. Penalties for illegal parking:
1. In general, 50 yuan will be fined and no points will be deducted for parking on ordinary roads in cities, or illegal parking on roads without parking lines.
2. In case of illegal parking on urban main roads, RMB 100-150 will be fined and no points will be deducted.
3. If you park at a traffic light or other traffic crossing in violation of regulations, you will be fined 200 yuan and 3 points will be deducted.
4. The most serious problem is that people stop and place randomly on the expressway and park illegally while occupying the emergency lane. 300 yuan will be fined and 6 points will be deducted. Development materials:
According to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Management, illegal parking has the following penalties:
1、 Temporary parking not in accordance with regulations mainly refers to the driver's violation of Article 62 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Management when driving the vehicle, including:
1. Stop on the left side of the road in the forward direction without the driver leaving the vehicle.
2. Parking at intersections, railway crossings, curves, narrow roads, bridges, steep slopes, tunnels and sections within 20 meters from the above places.
3. Parking in front of a bus stop, tram stop, first aid station, gas station, fire hydrant or fire brigade and at a road section within 30 meters from the above places.
4. Buses and trams stop outside the station.
5. If the vehicle is temporarily parked at night, the side lights are not turned on. In case of any of the above acts, a fine of five yuan shall be imposed and two points shall be recorded.
2、 Parking in violation of parking regulations mainly refers to the driver's violation of Article 61 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Management when driving the vehicle, including:
1. Parking in a place where parking is prohibited.
2. Parking at a place where temporary parking is allowed and the driver leaves the vehicle. Anyone who commits any of the above acts shall be fined five yuan, scored three points, and his driver's license may be suspended for one month.
3、 Those who do not stop as required or do not remove the vehicle immediately when it breaks down, causing serious traffic jams, mainly refer to the driver's behavior in violation of Article 75 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Management when driving the vehicle, including:
1. Parking in the carriageway causes traffic jam in the rear.
2. The failure of vehicles in the carriageway causes the congestion of vehicles behind. Anyone who commits the above acts shall be fined 200 yuan, and six points shall be recorded, and the driver's license may be suspended for less than six months. The Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Management was abolished. According to the latest provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety passed on October 28, the law stipulates that parking in violation of regulations is subject to fines without deduction of points. The following regulations apply to parking in violation of regulations:
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