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I lent my credit card to my friend. What if he doesn't pay back the money

 I lent my credit card to my friend. What if he doesn't pay back the money
Paying debts on time is a code of good faith that everyone must abide by. Turning this kind of thing that can be done by consciously abiding into law enforcement will eventually hurt feelings between the two parties in court. But in front of protecting everyone's rights and interests, the law will be the last and most powerful means for us to recover our debts. If the debtor does not repay the debt, the creditor has the right to claim the creditor's rights, and can recover the creditor's rights within the limitation of action for creditor's rights, which needs to comply with legal procedures.
2024-02-26 07:18:14 2048 people helped

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I lent my credit card to my friend. What if he doesn't pay back the money
It is difficult to deal with this situation as a criminal case. You can report the case to the public security organ and see if it is accepted. After all, this card is lent to him, and according to the credit card rules, it cannot be lent to others
Therefore, it is recommended to take the method of civil litigation directly to the court, asking for the return of the credit card and the repayment of the amount and interest used for the overdraft,
evidence On the other hand, you should at least have 1. bank statement or payment reminder, 2. if you have made up part of the money into the bank, the deposit receipt issued by the bank, 3. if necessary, you can apply to the court to collect evidence, such as signature and identification when swiping the card, video data when the other bank withdraws the cash, etc
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