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The alcohol content is 150, which is alcohol driving or drunk driving

 The alcohol content is 150, which is alcohol driving or drunk driving
According to the national regulations of Threshold and Inspection of Alcohol Content in the Blood and Breath of Vehicle Drivers, driving behavior with alcohol content in the blood of vehicle drivers greater than or equal to 80mg/100mL becomes drunk driving. The Criminal Law stipulates that an intoxicated person who commits a crime shall bear criminal responsibility. However, if the circumstances of drunk driving are minor and the harm is not serious, it may not be considered as constituting a crime or exempt from criminal punishment. In addition to criminal responsibility, for drunken driving, we also need to bear the administrative responsibility and accept the corresponding administrative punishment.
2024-02-26 15:38:34 1522 people helped

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The alcohol content is 150, which is alcohol driving or drunk driving
Alcohol content: 150 Drunk driving
According to relevant laws statute According to the regulations in, the driver shall drink when the blood alcohol content is greater than or equal to 20 mg per 100 ml and the blood alcohol content is less than 80 mg per 100 ml Drunken driving For every 100ml of blood alcohol content greater than or equal to 80mg Drunken driving Driving a motor vehicle on the road with a blood alcohol content of more than 80mg/100ml belongs to Drunken driving Motor vehicles, according to relevant regulations Dangerous driving crime Conviction and punishment. The relevant provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China shall apply to "roads" and "motor vehicles" in relevant provisions. Whoever drives a motor vehicle under any of the following circumstances shall be given a heavier punishment in accordance with the relevant provisions:
1. Cause traffic accident And is fully or primarily responsible for the accident, or Escape after causing a traffic accident , which has not constituted other crimes;
2. The blood alcohol content reaches more than 200 mg/100 ml;
3. Driving on expressways or urban expressways;
4. Driving a commercial motor vehicle carrying passengers;
5. Serious overstaffing overload perhaps speeding Driving, driving a motor vehicle without driving qualification, using a forged or altered motor vehicle license plate or other acts that seriously violate the Road Traffic Safety Law;
6. Evading legal inspection by the public security organ, or refusing or obstructing legal inspection by the public security organ, but not constituting other crimes;
7. Have ever suffered from drunk driving administrative sanction Or criminal investigation;
8. Other circumstances under which a heavier punishment may be imposed.
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