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home page > Legal topics > Special Topic on Marriage and Family > Child rearing topic > The mother divorced the child, and now the mother remarries with the father's name. How to deal with the problem of children remarriage with the mother's name

The mother divorced the child, and now the mother remarries with the father's name. How to deal with the problem of children remarriage with the mother's name

 The mother divorced the child, and now the mother remarries with the father's name. How to deal with the problem of children remarriage with the mother's name
Based on the special emotional connection of parent-child relationship and the common living condition of the family, although parents' raising of minor children is a compulsory obligation, in most cases it is the result of parents' voluntary performance of their obligations, and legal and social forces do not need to intervene or intervene too much. However, this does not rule out that in real life, a few people are selfish, born without support, and openly deviate from the moral responsibilities and legal obligations that parents should bear. In this case, we must use public power to force parents to fulfill their obligations of upbringing.
2024-02-20 10:16:46 1775 people helped

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The mother divorced the child, and now the mother remarries with the father's name. How to deal with the problem of children remarriage with the mother's name
spouse divorce After the child by the mother raise The child can change his mother's surname. According to the provisions of the Reply of the Supreme People's Court on the Change of Children's Surname, the father's consent is required to change his surname. If the father does not agree, he cannot change his mother's surname without authorization. If it has been changed, you need to change it back with your father's surname.
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