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Is factory building on industrial land illegal

 Is factory building on industrial land illegal
Illegal demolition, violent demolition and other words have become hot search words, and such news is constantly appearing in the news. When encountering such situations, we must master rights protection skills to safeguard our own rights and interests. And choosing the right way to protect rights is also the key to solving the problem. When encountering forced demolition, first judge what kind of forced demolition you are facing, so as to take corresponding countermeasures. Legal forced demolition is to exercise rights within the legal time limit after receiving relevant documents, while illegal forced demolition requires comprehensive rights protection in combination with investigation and other procedures.
2024-03-03 12:12:46 Helped 1626 people

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Is factory building on industrial land illegal
If a factory building is built on industrial land, whether it is illegal or not should be analyzed according to the specific situation.
1. If factory buildings are built on industrial land, if the nature of industrial land is collective land , then it is illegal.
It is impossible to build factories on collective land. According to the law, any individual or unit that needs to use collective land for construction must apply for the use of collective land in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law. However, the use of land collectively owned by farmers of their collective economic organizations by newly established township enterprises and villagers for building houses is approved according to law, or the use of land collectively owned by farmers for the construction of public facilities and public welfare undertakings in towns and villages is approved according to law.
2. If the nature of industrial land is state-owned land, and the parties have gone through the corresponding approval procedures according to law, then it is not illegal construction.
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