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What should I take with me to get a marriage certificate

 What should I take with me to get a marriage certificate
Marriage is one of the major events in life and the most joyful thing. In China, men and women who meet the legal conditions for marriage. Only after marriage registration, can their marriage relationship have legal effect and be recognized and protected by the state. The state implements a marriage registration system, which can give timely legal aid to men and women who strive for marriage autonomy, and protect the legitimate rights of men and women who demand marriage based on love; It can also help guide the marriage parties to avoid being trapped in an unfortunate marriage due to ignorance or deception.
2024-02-23 04:34:32 1670 people helped

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What should I take with me to get a marriage certificate
marriage certificate I got it from the Civil Affairs Bureau. Both men want it marry Both parties need to bring the following materials to one party's domicile Marriage registration Handled by authorities Marriage registration The following materials are required for marriage registration:
1. My ID
2. My account book;
3. One inch wedding photos, etc.
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