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Can an enterprise employee be adjusted and reduced if he/she does not retire early

 Can an enterprise employee be adjusted and reduced if he/she does not retire early
For every worker, it is a happy thing to get paid by virtue of their own labor achievements. When an employee goes to the company for an interview, one of the core concerns is the company's salary level and employee benefits. The current welfare treatment means that in order to retain and motivate employees, the welfare is non cash remuneration, while the allowance is fixed in cash. The timely payment of wages and the guarantee of welfare are the most effective ways to improve the enthusiasm of employees.
2024-02-21 19:26:28 1719 people have been helped

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Can an enterprise employee be adjusted and reduced if he/she does not retire early
If an enterprise employee does not retire early, he can be transferred to another position wages Yes, but after the job transfer, you need to contact the enterprise again Sign labor contract , and on Labor contract It shows the current salary.
[Legal Basis]
Labor Contract Law 》Article 7 The Employer shall establish a contract with the laborer from the date of employment Labor relations The employing unit shall establish a register of employees for future reference.
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