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Property prosecution: I didn't pay the property fee, but the judge preferred the property and didn't declare it illegal in court

 Property prosecution: I didn't pay the property fee, but the judge preferred the property and didn't declare it illegal in court
Modern residential quarters have special property service companies to provide management services. Naturally, as the owners of residential quarters, they should also pay certain fees to property management companies. However, there will also be property disputes between owners, property management companies and personnel. Property contract disputes often involve many owners in the same community. In the process of handling, owners may also unite for common interests. The handling of a case will have a demonstration effect in the community involved. Improper handling will directly affect the stability of the community and bring greater pressure to the trial of the case.
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Property prosecution: I didn't pay the property fee, but the judge preferred the property and didn't declare it illegal in court
1. As per Property Service Contract The maintenance of public areas is the property's obligation, and the payment of property fees is the owner's obligation. Elevator maintenance is the obligation of the elevator company. If the maintenance is blocked, it can be reported to the Special Equipment Technical Supervision Bureau. The elevator is broken. If the maintenance period of the elevator in the community has not expired, the property needs to contact the elevator company in time for maintenance; If the elevator in the community has passed the maintenance period, the property needs to report the problem to the owners' committee and provide the maintenance plan and budget. After being approved by the owners' meeting of the community, the property needs to use the maintenance fund for maintenance.
2. If the property has not done a good job in reporting, it can be reflected to the superior competent department of the property. Therefore, please do not link things that cannot be repaired by the property with the property fees. Any reason does not constitute a reason for refusing to pay the property fees. If the property does not perform its obligations as agreed in the contract, the owner is also requested to report complaints to the relevant departments while performing its obligations. If there is no way to coordinate, it can be filed with the people's court according to law litigation Whether it is legal for the property company to charge the elevator maintenance fee after collecting the property management fee. The property fee includes the operation and maintenance fees of public facilities and equipment, elevator maintenance, electricity and public utilities.
3、《 Property Management Regulations 》There are clear provisions on the purpose of property service fees in, including the operation and maintenance fees of public facilities and equipment. To put it bluntly, it includes elevator maintenance fees and elevator electricity fees. Whether the specific property fee is expensive depends on the local actual product. It depends on what price you implement. There are government guidance and market adjustment prices. The government guidance price has government approval documents. The market adjustment price is negotiated by both parties, and now it is required to implement bidding bid To select a property company, the bid winning price shall prevail. It depends on the property when you hand in the house. Generally, you need to pay the property fee in advance. Other expenses include the expenses during the decoration period. What we can tell you is that except the property fee, others may be improper. According to the provisions of the Interim Measures for the Charging of Property Management Services in Urban Residential Quarters: for high-end residential buildings, the energy cost in public areas can be included in the property management cost as a component of the property management fee. For ordinary residential buildings, water and electricity charges in public areas cannot be charged separately as a charging item, but can be apportioned to each household according to the proportion of the building area, and collected together with the water and electricity charges of each household. However, the electricity cost of street lights in the community cannot be borne by the residents. The development enterprise should transfer the street lights to the municipal street light management office for unified maintenance and management according to the regulations.
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